This is a Journal entry by marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well I have a new job now!

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I was hired by the company I interviewed with this morning. I start om monday 22-12-1999. I can hardly wait to tackle this new challenge. I will leave the public eye and only work with computer professionals. This is something of a dream come true.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 2

Nick O`Teen

Congrats, Marv. Do you know what the benefits package is like?

Well I have a new job now!

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Yup, fairly consistant with the usual stuff we see around here. I will be getting very vaulable training though.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 4

Nick O`Teen

What kind of work will you be doing?

Well I have a new job now!

Post 5

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Tech support for a major network hardware firm.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 6

Nick O`Teen

Ooo, a major hardware firm. Sounds like a big time position. What does tech support actually entail? Hardare? Programming?

Well I have a new job now!

Post 7

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Trouble shooting bad hardware. Firmware updates. Configuration. Ask me againg in three weeks and I will have a lot more to tell you. I will be working with the big routers etc. that all of our isp's use.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 8

Nick O`Teen

Whoa, sounds like a cool job. Very well, then, I'll ask again in three weeks. smiley - smiley

Well I have a new job now!

Post 9

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I sinceirly (I can't bloody spell I know) hope that this is the best thing to ever happen to my carrer. If I can learn all that this company can teach me, I will be worth a fortune to any large network. I will be working toward becoming a specialist in the Pix firewall (yup that's right now you can figure out which company I will work for).

Well I have a new job now!

Post 10

Nick O`Teen

I am unable to figure out where you work. I have never heard of the Pix firewall, but then, I'm not much of a hardware guy and don't have much experience with that sort of thing.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 11

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I will be working for Cisco Systems. They make routers and firewalls etc.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 12

Nick O`Teen

Cisco. OK, that's pretty big. smiley - smiley

Must be exciting. I'll bet Dec. 22 just can't get here fast enough. Hey, you get to begin your new job just in time to take a well deserved break for Christmas, don't you? smiley - smiley

Well I have a new job now!

Post 13

marvthegrate LtG KEA

It is actually dec 20 but yah my timing rocks.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 14

Nick O`Teen

Maybe you'll even get a Christmas bonus. After all, you'll have made it all the way to Christmas and you won't have used any of your sick days. smiley - smiley

Well I have a new job now!

Post 15

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I had a xmas bonus from the bank allready. I will get a little hollliday pay as well.

Well I have a new job now!

Post 16

Nick O`Teen

Cripes. The next time I change jobs, it's going to be right before Christmas. Too sweet. smiley - smiley

Well I have a new job now!

Post 17

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I kinda thought it was good timing.

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