This is a Journal entry by beetle, return of
beetle, return of Started conversation Dec 31, 2000
Sometimes, i wish i weren't so private a person. A lot of things happen to me i don't talk about. Perhaps i should. Perhaps i wouldn't be as depressed if i were more open. I think finding the person to talk to first may be the hardest step. I haven't that courage. Part of the most painful times of my life have been when i was alone, being so solitary in my thoughts is part of me. How does one change something that is so large a part of yourself? I am not sure if i want to. I've always preferred the company of a few close friends than many aquaintantces. Unforturately, most of the people i have close relationships with do not live near me. With my preference for face-to-face dialogs and my dislike of phones, that makes it harder to talk.
Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess Posted Dec 31, 2000
Hey, beetle. Just wanted to stop by and say that being private with your worries is a good thing, sometimes. That's why the internet is a good thing.
Are you feeling ok? Do you want to talk about it?
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