This is a Journal entry by beetle, return of

quite a disappointment

Post 1

beetle, return of

I have been asking for more hours at work. I've been asking for awhile. Finally, i've been offered a different schudule-- 5-9pm, m-f. That's it. Last week i was told full time. This week, half time when the company is dead. All the work is in the mornings. The evening is full of clean up, fixing all the problems of the day. Easy when the day shift does their work, but since the company's training policy is non-existant and most of the people in my area can not do their jobs, people don't do their work. I'm not gonna play baby sitter for a bunch of apathetic slackers for the sake of a few hours. Not worth it.

More reason to leave to do better work. I hope i'm ready.

one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 2


You are. You just have to believe in yourself. Use the force, beetle.

one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 3

beetle, return of

yes, master. Um, force of what?

one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 4



one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 5

beetle, return of

Just one then?

one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 6


OK, look, here's another nine - go crazy won't ya?

one man's disappointment is another man's appointment

Post 7

beetle, return of

*be's polite and goes crazy*

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