This is a Journal entry by Abi

Rodent Collective Bulletin

Post 1


News from the Rodent Collective.

Unfortunately Panya Mdogo is still missing having broken out of her luxury mouse house about a month ago smiley - sadface We set humane traps for her but she continues to evade capture and I fear we must expect the worse.

Entertaining news for us, but bad news for Nelson and Wellington is that the boys seem to have that fat mouse gene that scientists are always claiming to have discovered. So as of this morning they are being put on a healthy eating regime. As of tomorrow they are going to be exercised twice a day in mouse exercise balls, until they stop looking like eggs with legs, tails and whiskers. (I know I am a fine one to talk so I am going on a diet with them, if only Rosemary Conley also did a "Tail and Whisker diet" we would be laughing.)

Dharmesh, my fellow italic, is acting as nutritional adviser & personal trainer to Nel & Well on account of the fact he does volunteer work at London Zoo's small mammal house. I shall set up a page and keep you all informed of their progress.

Oh and I am planning on expanding the Collective. There is a specialist rodent shop near me and I am visiting it tomorrow morning. smiley - wow

Rodent Collective Bulletin

Post 2


Obviously the luxurious mouse house wasn't quite luxurious enough for Panya Mdogo... although it sounds as if it is TOO luxurious for the boys!
Will you be investing in an Abi-size exercise ball and joining them? smiley - silly
Good luck with your visit tomorrow... just a word of advice... don't be tempted to buy a snake whatever you do!smiley - cheerup

shazz smiley - magic

Rodent Collective Bulletin

Post 3


Thanks Shazz but I have to say that there is absolutely no danger of that happening at all! smiley - laugh

Rodent Collective Bulletin

Post 4


I rather suspected as much. I don't suppose you encourage smiley - blackcat's around either! smiley - laugh
You better join the 'dogs' house rather then the 'cat' home... or are you looking to start a 'small furry animals' sanctuary? smiley - winkeye

Anyway... have a great Bank Holiday! smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - cheers

shazz smiley - magic

Rodent Collective Bulletin

Post 5


Thanks love smiley - hug

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