This is a Journal entry by Abi

Thank you Douglas

Post 1


When Peta told me the news I was numb with shock, and even now part of me still has trouble accepting that you have gone.

I borrowed and never returned the only copy of the HHGttG from my school library. I feel so guilty. Later I bought the radio series. At all the difficult times of my life, Arthur et al have been there to make me laugh. When my beloved Grandfather died, my brother and I played the text based HHGttG computer game to death cos it numbed the pain a little. For this and for your sparkling creativity we among millions of others will be eternally grateful.

Thank you for all you wrote. To say the world is a poorer place is a cliche but has also never been so true. Most of all thank you for h2g2, which truly has shaped and changed my life in ways I cannot begin to describe.

Your family are in my thoughts.

with fondest memories

Thank you Douglas

Post 2

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

I have nothing to add...

smiley - cry

Thank you Douglas

Post 3

I'm not really here

I stole my brother's copy. He never got it back, but I did eventually go out and buy them all for myself. Then someone stole the holgram. smiley - sadface

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