This is a Journal entry by Abi

Right that's it!

Post 1


I am outta here. Love you all dearly but I need a break. No more discussing m... those things Peta has banned me from even mentioning. No more having to listen to politics. No more justifying the running of the Grand National to people who think that NH horses should race on good ground (Heavy ground is safer, they go slower and jump more carefully!!).

Just me, a jug of sangria, a lilo, a pool and a good book!

Bring it on!

And when I get back... I really must sort out that bombshell!

Now in the words of a field master I once knew; "Gone away!!"

Right that's it!

Post 2


Have fun, sweet princess smiley - smiley

Right that's it!

Post 3


Adam! smiley - hug

Right that's it!

Post 4


Are you emailable tomorrow?

Right that's it!

Post 5


I am - on the carrotmail address! smiley - smiley

Right that's it!

Post 6

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

*waves meekly*


smiley - cool

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