This is a Journal entry by MadMunk?¿
MadMunk?¿ Started conversation Jun 1, 1999
Ok, I'm trying to prove something to my self, that no one actually reads this page at all. Could everyone who reads this page leave a small message, even if it's only one word long, or maybe shorter, just so i know how many people have seen my humble page.
Oh, and take no notice of the dead image thingy's at the top of the page, i'm working on it.... (If theres anyone out there who can help me sort it out, Please give me a hand!)
msmonsy Posted Jun 5, 1999
ok, i read your page. i guess i cannot be of any help to your problem since you just now taught me how to do smileys. when i found out a 15 year old taught me about smileys i started feeling like a real relic.:o)
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jun 5, 1999
no worries..... The younger you are, the wiser you ain't, if that makes any sense.... So in other words, i got a lot to learn... but i'm getting there...
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 5, 1999
So i came and checked out someone elses user page.
You can put my page up for visiting though it isn't very interesting
Any ideas to make it look hoopy would be well received and possibly implemented in July
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jun 5, 1999
okay, consider yourself a hoopy frood . The best way to spruce up your user page is to add animated gif's. These can be found for free . You just add them to your page using the IMG SRC tag in your edit box. eg This will get you the spinning Earth gif. You can copy and paste this into your edit box if you like. You should put paragraph tags around it to seperate it from the main body of your text put the image link here. It's easy when you get used to it.
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 5, 1999
I'll come back to you on that one after my exams. And bring my computer whizz kid mate with me.
msmonsy Posted Jun 5, 1999
next time you are online check out my home, it is not much and may be a little corney but it was my first attempt at it. thank-you for the lessons!let me know what you think, just be gentle as it is my first time
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 6, 1999
I checked out your user page. it seemed about as fascinating as mine. and that's not an insult
i don't get the journal thing. i never know what to write in it and as no-one seems to visit and read it what's the point?
BTW is there any way of being to put up zillions of journal entries without making your page 2 miles long - like have up a separate journal page for early entries
Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly) Posted Jun 6, 1999
Hi, this is Zaphara speaking, you're that hoopy frood who's doing the QuadBee (6th Book) thing too. It's nice to know you're not the only volentier (I can't spell).
Sorry, can't help you with the problem thing.
Zaphara Beeblebrox
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jun 6, 1999
Yup, I'll be writing some stories for the BBBB book as soon as i've reached normality...
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 7, 1999
What is normality
I think it's something disconnecting my computer every 2 minutes
RSBohn Posted Jun 7, 1999
Well MadMunk, I guess you will have to revise your theory.
Be froody,
RSBohn U37566
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 7, 1999
Wow you finally got around to it, on lots of forums.
Although I did ask you HOW, not TO, but i won't be pedantic
MadMunk?¿ Posted Jun 7, 1999
Ahh, I get it... I think.... right, ok, here goes.. : - )
; - )
: - (
> < >
8 - ) is that what you were looking for?
Swiv (decrepit postgrad) Posted Jun 7, 1999
Something along those lines i think.
tho i can't really see all the pretty pictures are screwed and being shown as boxes.
But i think you showed my how somewhere else
Ac-1D Posted Jun 8, 1999
Try Ginger's Page entitled "Don't look here" which is one of the longer forums about the place now.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 1, 1999)
- 2: RSBohn (Jun 2, 1999)
- 3: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 2, 1999)
- 4: msmonsy (Jun 5, 1999)
- 5: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 5, 1999)
- 6: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 5, 1999)
- 7: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 5, 1999)
- 8: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 5, 1999)
- 9: msmonsy (Jun 5, 1999)
- 10: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 6, 1999)
- 11: Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly) (Jun 6, 1999)
- 12: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 6, 1999)
- 13: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 7, 1999)
- 14: RSBohn (Jun 7, 1999)
- 15: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 7, 1999)
- 16: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 7, 1999)
- 17: MadMunk?¿ (Jun 7, 1999)
- 18: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Jun 7, 1999)
- 19: msmonsy (Jun 8, 1999)
- 20: Ac-1D (Jun 8, 1999)
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