This is a Journal entry by MadMunk?¿

You couldn't, could you?

Post 1


You couldn't just leave me alone. Noooo you had to make me STAY. You had to make me keep coming back again and again.... until finally I'm here pretty much every 5minutes, just like I was before.
Grrr smiley - tongueout

Well, I'd better make the most of it now, because I'm stuck here!

You couldn't, could you?

Post 2

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

And you act like being addicted is a BAD thing.... *rolls eyes* It's not so bad... it just means you're on here a lot... No biggie, I think... so please, please quit your belly achin'... smiley - smiley We're all mostly harmless here, ya know... Hmm... well, anyhow... I was wonderin' 'round the guide, and clicked your nick name randomly.... But anyhow... Just thought I'd drop by, and toss in my oppinion for you.

smiley - planet Saturn Girl smiley - planet

You couldn't, could you?

Post 3


Erm..... after being addicted to this site who near enough 2 whole years, I can honestly say.... No, its not a bad thing smiley - biggrin.
Hey, I may only be 16.... but as this site goes, I'm an old timer *grin*..... Arn't old timers s'posed to mope around all day, moaning about the good ole days, and when snow was real snow and stuff like that? Sorry, I'm rambling.... But I have to get into character!

I dunno, these young whipper-snappers today, don't know their born... with their fancy shmancy "Help" pages (what happened to good ole "don't panic" thats what I wanna know...), and more smileys than ya can shake a long crooked cane at.... Why, in my day, you were Happy smiley - smiley sad smiley - sadface cheeky smiley - winkeye or just plain fishy > < >*

hehehe, okay, I can't keep that up very long smiley - winkeye I'm not really like that! I'm just bored after spending a 12hr overnight coursework stint!

Btw, where did ya "click my name randomly"? I'm a vain sorta person, and like to know these things smiley - winkeye

*No-one will remember this.... but I still stand by my vow made over a year ago, never to use the fish symbol.... I can't even remember why, but it musta been important!

You couldn't, could you?

Post 4

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

The old whipped snapper's younger than the newbie! ha... well, only by about one year... but whatever... I found your name by clicking on the "Who's On-line" link on the side of every page (when in goo mode), and choose your name 'cause it looked like it belonged to an interesting person...

smiley - planet Saturn Girl smiley - planet

ps. I'm simple when it comes to smilies... I only used smiley - smiley, smiley - winkeye, smiley - kiss or smiley - planet. The smiley - kiss is only when I'm posting as the Bombshell Goddess on the battle of the gods thing.... hehe....

pps. I'd think, if you can't remember why it was so importaint not to use the smiley - fish then it wasn't that importaint....

You couldn't, could you?

Post 5


Ahh... that old thing... I see. smiley - winkeye Well, as for the interesting person bit.... well, It's not really my place to judge. smiley - biggrin
Pre-BBC, you could probably have made your mind up from my user page.... but it got screwed up soo much, I just wiped it clean smiley - sadface

Yeah, I'm simple when it comes to smileys too... smiley - winkeye Mainly because I can't be bothered to learn all the lovely new ones they've chucked in. *grin*.

No, the > < > thing really was important... and I don't give things up easily, so I'm gonna stick with it.... at least to be faithful to my old self. smiley - biggrin

You couldn't, could you?

Post 6


I tell you what, your page loads much faster now.

I seem to recall it taking, well, minutes. Never mind, there are plenty of odd pictures in the Archives - and you can always shove all the old ones on your own webpage and link to it.

You couldn't, could you?

Post 7


Well.... I would...... I honestly would..... but I can't be bothered smiley - smiley

You couldn't, could you?

Post 8

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

Hey, if you ever figure out exactly why you had such an oposition to the smiley - fish let me know, and I'll see if it's a cause, and reason I can understand, and therefore support. Until you remember why, well, be yourself, and continue to stick to your policy, and stuff.

Well, I gotta go finish catchin' up with stuff, I got work in a few hours and still have to run over to the battle of the gods, and throw in another 2 cents or so... Maybe I'll toss in a couple pfennig for a bit of luck, since I still have some from my trip to Germany a couple years ago, and always tossing in 2 cents gets boring, ya know.... Well, talk to ya later!

smiley - planet Saturn Girl smiley - planet

You couldn't, could you?

Post 9


Hmmmmm, Well, I would find out.... but all the threads from the pre-bbc days have been deleted, so I guess we'll never know smiley - sadface

I'm good at sticking to policies..... unless they involve quiting h2g2, as Mr T here seems to enjoy pointing out smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

Oooh I've got a few minor monetery denominations from places all over the world...... erm, well, 3 smiley - winkeye

I got some Dirhams from the UAE.... some Dinars from Jordan..... Ooh, some more i forgot... some "thingies" from france..... err...
and some good ole fashion pence from the UK. There, that should keep you occupied for a while smiley - winkeye

You couldn't, could you?

Post 10


smiley - yikes they've not all been DELETED have they?! I thought they were just hidden and were going to be moderated and replaced...

*sniff* those poor little threads... never harmed anyone... smiley - cry

You couldn't, could you?

Post 11


Well, your probably right....... but I can think of 2 possible scenarios......
A) they are searching through all the threads manually and individually, in which case, the chances of seeing any anytime before the next millenium celebrations.... are slim
B) they are using a computerised searching facility to filter out all the naughty words, in which case, shouldn't it be done by now?!

I could well be, of course, entirely wrong

These are not the opinions of the BBC or any of its afficiates, so smeg off. (I wonder if s**g is in their searching dictionary.... *grin*).
Sorry, I'm feeling rather wierd... I think I shall go have a little lie down....... or not. smiley - winkeye

You couldn't, could you?

Post 12

mrs. slartibartfast

Please, please, please, don't say the old threads are gone!! Perhaps a rescue mission is in order...someone could hire a mercenary to go and get them and we could pop them in a proper spot for all to reminisce. No wait...that's just silliness, everyone knows you can't find a good mercenary nowadays. By the way, hi madmunk I'm back!! (I don't know if that's good or bad though)

You couldn't, could you?

Post 13


Well......... they are gone. smiley - sadface
But............... they *might* come back. No1 seems to be able to tell me for sure. That could be because I've failed to ask many people that would know, or maybe because I just can't remember...... smiley - winkeye. You're right.... there are no good mecenaries these days smiley - sadface
Perhaps some vigilantes? Oh no, hang on, technically, they'd be against us..... Oh, I dunno. smiley - winkeye

Welcome back! smiley - biggrin
Getting used to all the new stuff yet?

You couldn't, could you?

Post 14


Don't worry MM smiley - winkeye
The old fora are gradually re-appearing! smiley - ok
I'm not sure how the graffiti in the Ladies and gents loos will fare, but I guess most of the rest will find it's way back smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

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