This is a Journal entry by Deek


Post 1


My old 20X50 binnies are showing their age. There's a slight cast beginning to show in one of the object lenses and there's also a definite double image.
So, I spent a happy hour or so at my favourite optical suppliers the other day and brought home a new pair of 70X16 binnies for night use. I hope that they're going to be useful for some of the dimmer night objects, but I haven't really been able to try them out yet as it's been cloudy every night since.


Post 2


Hope you manage to get a clear sky to try them out with soon. Comet NEAT is a very nice sight at the moment smiley - ok


Post 3


Hi Phil.
I caught up with NEAT tonight at about 10.30. The sky in the West is still quite bright at that time but dark enough to ID the Beehive and eventually caught the comet somewhat to the North. Just a fuzzy blob, but quite large. No discernible tail though.
The new binoculars have worked well over the past couple of nights. Less magnification and larger lenses are working out as a better combination to my old ones.
A.M.smiley - ok


Post 4


I was hoping to get the camera out last night as the day had been really clear blue skies but alas as evening came so did the clouds smiley - sadface

Good to hear the new binnies are working well smiley - ok

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