This is a Journal entry by Deek

20 July 1969, The First Lunar Landing

Post 1


Thirty three years ago the culmination of the greatest technological achievement of the 20th Century took place on another world.

Neil Armstrong placed his left foot onto the moon at 9.56pm Houston, Texas time, 20 July 1969. In London, England it was 2.56am GMT 21 July, 1969; and in Canberra Australia it was 12.56pm AEST 21 July, 1969.

The first words spoken from the surface of another planetary body by Armstrong were: 'That's one small step for man... one giant leap for mankind'.

Buzz Aldrin followed him onto the surface some 18 minutes later.

God speed the crew of Apollo 11

D.K. smiley - moonsmiley - rocket

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20 July 1969, The First Lunar Landing

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