This is a Journal entry by Deek

Five Planets

Post 1


Yeh! All five!
Jupiter and Venus very bright.
Caught Mercury early, 8.30pm. Only about 5 deg above horizon.
Couldn't get Mars until 9.00pm.
A.M. smiley - planet

Five Planets

Post 2


It's been cloudy here evey night so far.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

Five Planets

Post 3


Hi there, smiley - smiley
Thanks for stopping by.
I've been really lucky with viewing lately. Only last night was clouded over but it looks clear-ish again this evening.
The forecast isn't bad so there may be a few more chances to get all the planets alignment in yet.
Mercury is the problem though, as you have to get it just at the right time. I found it best about a half hour after sunset although it was really low down. Apparently it will get higher during the month but conversely not so bright. Good hunting anyway.
All the best, A.M. smiley - moon

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