This is a Journal entry by junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

welcome to my mind/ ha ha.

Post 1

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

well how do i start. as my mind is a mixed up area, u cud call it the new area 52,it also does not exist, like area 51, lol. well my likes, is rock music, mainly marilyn manson and his last album obscene is out of this worldsmiley - ufoit is a must buy, if u like marilyn manson, even if u don't like marilyn manson buy itsmiley - smileyi luv manchester united, but now i don't like becks, he betrayed us. i also enjoy fly-fishing, i caught a 10ib blue bottle the other day. more to be added at a later date 7th september 2003. 11.15pm. date.

welcome to my mind/ ha ha.

Post 2


hi ya hun how r u i havent got a clue how to work this lol xx

welcome to my mind/ ha ha.

Post 3


smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin
Hello Dave How are you Today
I can't Believe I Have Found you
After All This Time I missed You
as wellsmiley - blush
Take care
spk soon
smiley - lovensmiley - cuddle

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