This is a Journal entry by roundbrackets

Kitty cuddler

Post 1


My cat did something unusual this morning. At 1:30 AM she decided that she wanted to be petted and that the best way to go about this was to lie on my chest. Now this does not seem very odd at all, cats cuddle all the time, but this one cat does not lie in your lap. She hates being lifted. She won't even lie next to you.

I can count the two times she has been in my lap over the 6 years she has lived with me on two fingers. Get it? Twice.

She spent about 35 minutes on my chest. I know exactly what 12 lbs feels like now. She vigorously rubbed her head against my hands while purring loudly until she realized I have a cold and my coughing makes her uncomfortable. Then she abruptly got up took the shortcut across my significant other, who woke up with a start, to the lvingroom.

I was so takes by her behaviour that I spent quite some time trying to figure out if she was, sick or the other cat was sick or the building was on fire. Meanwhile she slept in the papasan chair as if nothing had happened.

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Kitty cuddler

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