This is a Journal entry by roundbrackets


Post 1


The Swedish foreign minister, Anna Lindh, has been murdered. Being Swedish this bothers me. It's hard to describe my feelings. All I can tell you is that the police needs to catch the attacker so that the question why can be answered.

Perhaps that's unimportant, but I don't think so. If this was a random act of violence, or, like som people theorize, a robbery then we have to know that. We have to think about what's happening to us. Are we getting more violent?

One police expert thought that this attack was not simply to kill, but to cause pain. He thought that the stabbing was done in such a fashion as to ensure suffering.

Later on the 11th (after the news of Lindh's death broke) a mentally ill man decided to stab a 5 year old girl to death. Said to be inspired by the violence against Lindh.

Is something wrong with us?

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