This is a Journal entry by roundbrackets


Post 1


Read the page on English Usage in the Edited Guide ( A266131 ), and I wanted to, no, I really needed to show this to someone. This text is from the private space of a researcher with no journal entries:

"This is where any Journal Entries would appear, if this Researcher had made any. Unfortunately they haven't managed to write anything, which is a shame because their Journal is where they could tell everyone what they've been up to. Is your Journal empty too? If so, this is how it'll appear to other Researchers who visit your Personal Space."

Notice how the researcher is referred to using "they" and "their"?
This is incorrect. Check any book on grammar.

It should be:

"This is where any Journal Entries would appear, if this Researcher had made any. Unfortunately he or she hasn't managed to write anything, which is a shame because his or her Journal is where he or she could tell everyone what he or she has been up to. Is your Journal empty too? If so, this is how it'll appear to other Researchers who visit your Personal Space."

Yes, it sounds horrible, but that's not an excuse for using "they" and "their". *brr*

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