This is a Journal entry by Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...)
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Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...) Started conversation Feb 16, 2006
Well, I got back to the UK safely a couple of weeks ago, although I can't recommend 2½ days of travelling to anyone. I'm now trying to get the house sorted out, having been away for so long - it's a big job.
At least my internet connection's been sorted out now, but I'm still having lots of problems connecting to h2g2 - I seem to get the 'server too busy' message almost constantly, no matter what time of day I try. Strange how my connection seemed to be better when I was a few thousand miles away...
Hopefully this journal entry will work, but if it doesn't I guess that's just life (and probably symptomatic of the universe and everything ).
Right, time to get back to clearing out the spare room...
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