This is a Journal entry by Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...)


Post 1

Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...)

Came across the entry for the Myth of 42 today (A530560) so obviously had to have a go at my own number. Unfortunately for my brain exercises, it worked out WAY too easy, so I'm now trying to find some more complicated solutions.

Read through a LONG thread about trolls and trolling today (F1599166?thread=1172944) (I honestly can't remember how I got there). Luckily for my sanity (or is that insanity?), it took a worthwhile side trip into some weirder subjects - like the colour of earwax (read that just as I was eating my lunch smiley - yuk) and the fact that the toxic gas produced when you burn PTFE (teflon) kills I said, weird (but very funny) smiley - silly.

One of my co-workers is having a day off today, so I've got a 12 hour shift to of joys. Never mind, I get a day off in three weeks time! smiley - biggrin

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