This is a Journal entry by Deb
Tis the Season
Deb Started conversation Dec 28, 2014
Well, I've had a lovely Christmas.
Christmas eve I went to my brother & sister in law's to do gifts with my niece & nephews. Although I was going to be seeing them on Christmas day it would be in the evening and there would be an awful lot of other people giving them presents too, plus I was giving them Stompies slippers which they'd want to wear in the morning. It was lovely, nice to get my gifts in first before they're totally jaded by the mounting piles of giftwrap! Also did gift exchange with my brother and sister in law, got some very nice thoughtful gifts - my sister in law has the happy knack of choosing things I'd pick myself.
Christmas day was spent at my eldest step-brother & fiancee's. There were loads of us there - my mum & step dad, my step-dad's ex-wife (we're a modern family ), my step-brother's fiancee's mum & dad + sister & boyfriend. It was really nice, very convivial and relaxed. We hadn't even had pudding when my youngest step-brother arrived with his girlfriend and her little boy, closely followed by my brother & family. Eighteen of us in one little starter home! But it worked and a good time was had by all.
Boxing day I went to the pantomime with my brother and family (oh no I didn't, oh yes I did). It was great fun, especially watching the kids enjoying it. When we came out the snow had started and it looked like a winter wonderland.
Saturday my mum & stepdad had a party so the whole family were together again, with a few added friends to vary things a bit. Another lovely time.
And's just been me and the dog chilling, helped along by some leftover turkey, a dark chocolate mint selection and season 10 of Grey's Anatomy to binge on. I did get in a nice walk on Cannock Chase with my mum & the dogs too, but other than that it's been a people free day and just what I needed after so much sociability!
It's been a real contrast to last Christmas when my eldest nephew was in hospital with a ruptured appendix right before Christmas and with an infection in the wound right after Christmas. We were glad to see the back of the festive season last year; this year it's been fabulous.
And I've just had a phone call from my brother inviting me there for new year's day dinner, which is nice.
I'm quite a happy & contented little bunny at the moment
Tis the Season
You can call me TC Posted Dec 28, 2014
Oh well done, Deb. There's a certain amount of organisation involved, a certain amount of luck and a great deal of goodwill in having an enjoyable time with all those people.
I lost track of your step- and other siblings, but it sounded like a lot of people, young and old. And a . What more can one ask for?
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Tis the Season
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