This is a Journal entry by pdante'

Q.I. the tv prog

Post 1


Been thinking about the question re; suicide rate highest in the world thought to be Sweden(Swindon?!)and turns out to be Lithuania and i thought Lithium which is used in manic depression treatment >have i stumbled on to something here ?Don't think so ! odd coincidence though

Q.I. the tv prog

Post 2

The Groob

I've heard before that the countries with the highest suicide rates are the ones with the highest standard of living. I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not though! Hmmmmm, I think I'll post.

Q.I. the tv prog

Post 3


you don't waste time do you ?smiley - smiley

Q.I. the tv prog

Post 4

The Groob

I have lots of energy tonight.

This is rare.

Q.I. the tv prog

Post 5


yes those energy smiley - vampires get me the same waysmiley - smiley

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