This is a Journal entry by Only Homo sapiens

Too much to reflect upon

Post 1

Only Homo sapiens

I would write everything that has happened in the last few weeks here...but it'd take faaar too long.

Briefly though
- good Christmas and New Year
- came back to France despite debating about it and glad I did
- exams
- been visited by 2 exflatmates (went galavanting, sledging, drinking, eating) and my parents too (not at the same time)
- got the key to the door (21st)
- have only missed 1 lecture so far this semester
- excercise!
- work here going OK an interesting too
- prospect of Patrick visiting in Feb
- accommodation York05/06 nearly sorted (4 of us)

There's more...and it's been highly intertwined with personal defeats and mess too...but it's all OK for the time being!

Hugs to all smiley - smiley

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Too much to reflect upon

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