This is a Journal entry by Only Homo sapiens

Sympathy averted

Post 1

Only Homo sapiens

*You do it to yourself you do,
And that's what really hurts,
You don't get my sympathy hanging out the 15th floor...*


Sympathy averted

Post 2

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

whats up pumpkin?

Sympathy averted

Post 3

Only Homo sapiens


Thanks for asking -

It's nothing important, it's just random mid-work, pre-presentation, pre-exams, depression-immersed babble.
It's OK, just kind of feel like I'm in and out of reality at the moment! I'm sure it'll resolve itself soon - I've got plenty of stuff to get on with so all WILL be fine : )
Have just get on with things that need to be done...

...have you (or anyone else on the lurk) ever been in the situation of loving one person but knowing that they are bad for you emotionally whils being in a relationship with someone else who is a very good influence but you are held back by the emotions for said person one?!?


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