This is a Journal entry by meMoRial AveRsioN

Buffy Story

Post 81

meMoRial AveRsioN

(Yeah!!! Er... Mizzy this is Buffy's house it's a diffrent story from the one on Talk Buffy and besides Buffy has allready invited Spike in.)

(Next Episode)

Next Morning -

Buffy: Dawn!! Dawn!!! come on your gona be late for school!!!

Dawn: Oh come on Buffy the world might end any minute and you want me to go to school?!

Buffy: Yes! and the worlds not gona end!

Dawn: Yeah sure.

Dawn leaves for school, and Angel walks in. (everyone stayed over the night.)

Angel: Ermmm... Hia Buffy.

Buffy: Hia.

Buffy Story

Post 82

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

angel: how are you?
buffy: im ok
buffy: oh, i have some weapons upstairs, come and see
angel: ok, cool

as they walk up, spike comes out of buffy's room
angel stares at both of them

buffy: errrr, this way
angel: urrrr, ya
spike: can i use the shower?
buffy: ya, errrr, sure

spike goes into the bathroom , as his on his way, he passes very close to angel, and angel reconises the smell on his shirt..... buffy smell

Buffy Story

Post 83

meMoRial AveRsioN

Angel: (Trying to keep calm) So er.. Buffy you and Spike are getting on very well.

Buffy: yeah, i supose.

Angel: You do know he has killed two Slayers.

Buffy just stares at Angel......

Angel: Im just saying.

Buffy: I no he's killed two Slayers.

Angel: Oh....

Spike comes back out of the shower and passes Angel with a 'she's my girl now' face. Angel just stares at Spike angry.

Buffy: Angel.... Angel? whats wrong?

Angel: erm.. northing

Buffy: Ok, i just gota go down stares to get my other wepon ok?

Angel: Ok.

Buffy Story

Post 84

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

angel walks over to spike

angel: so, you've got buffy now?
spike: jealous?
angel: look spike, you do anything to her and.....
spike: and what? you'll what? kill me? well buffy wouldn't like that now, would she?

buffy comes upstairs

buffy: whats oing on?
spike: nothing love
buffy: well the weapons are in this room

buffy opens the cest of weapons

angel: ya, these could be useful, but you might need some more
spike: i know a place that sells weapons, its a close friend

Buffy Story

Post 85

meMoRial AveRsioN

Angel: Humm... let me guess a gang of vamps.

Spike: No....

Buffy: look guys stop fighting please.

Spike: ok pet.

Buffy Story

Post 86

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

angel: can at least stop using suck imature language
spike: immature? says the guy that can't get pleasure
angel: you want to know what i get pleasure out of doing? killing you
spike: i'd like to see you try
buffy: STOP! lets go to the weapons and come back, does one of you have to stay behind or can you behave?
angel: he can stay
buffy: angel it would be you that would have to stay
angel: huh?
buffy: i don't know where to go

Buffy Story

Post 87

meMoRial AveRsioN

Angel: Oh, no im coming with you im not gona leave you alone with him!

Spike: Ugh.

Buffy: Spike.....

Spike: Yes love.

Buffy: Ermm.... do we need to take wepons for protection?

Angel: Hahaha, she doesnt even trust you.

Spike: Shut up brood boy, no there human.

Buffy Story

Post 88

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

buffy: is that why you refer to them as "it"?
spike: something wrong pet?
angel: lets just go

they leave the house and search for the humans, they arrive and spike leads them in a old shop
there are 4 men by the counter

spike: hi guys
the 4 men: hello, o great one

angel raising a eyebrow : great one?
spike: i need some of the latest weapons
the 4 humans: certainly o mighty god
angel: might god?
spike: errrrrr
4 humans: here you are master

they hand him some weapons, looking deadly

spike hands over some cash

4 humans: oh no, master, we will not accept money from such a great being as yourself
spike: give it to alex
buffy: alex?
spike: his youngest boy
4 humans: thank you

they walk out the shop and head for home

Buffy Story

Post 89

meMoRial AveRsioN

Buffy: (on their way home) Ermmm.... why do they praise you?

Spike: (smiling cocky) Because im praiseable.

Angel: (sarcastic) yeah right

Buffy: No, seriously Spike why?

Buffy Story

Post 90

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

spike: lets just say i did them a favour
buffy: what type of favour?
spike: i ate some of the jerks
buffy: you what?
spike: (laughing) no, im kidding
angel: i didn't find it funny
spike: i just saved there king from a bunch of vamps
buffy: oh
spike: don't worry pet, no harm done
buffy: im not worrying

Buffy Story

Post 91

meMoRial AveRsioN

Spike just smiles at Buffy as they walk home, Angel very jelously watches them. Finaly they get home...

Xander: Yo Buffy, were u been?

Buffy: Oh, i just went out 2 get some more wepons with Spike and Angel.

Xander: ok.

Spike: Buffy can i speak to you alone in the kitchen.

Buffy and Spike walk in the kitchen.......

Buffy Story

Post 92

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

buffy: look, i know this whole angel being here and you not getting on, well, spike, i don't want to hurt angel, so could we keep the relationship discreet?
spike: sure
buffy: your sure?
spike: yea
buffy: thank you
spike: your welcome pet

they walk back out
angel and the gang are examing the weapons

buffy: what do you all think?
xander: ya, this is cool stuff, who ever knows about this must be real cool
spike: thanks

xander looks down in shame

williow: well, well done this is really going to help us, thanks
spike: your welcome

Buffy Story

Post 93

meMoRial AveRsioN

Angel: (sarcasticly) ya it's just brilliant.

Buffy stairs at Angel, with a 'please dont argue face' Buffy then go's upstairs to get the wepons in her room Spike follows.

(In Buffy's room)

Spike: Need help pet?

Buffy: No, no thanks Spike, i think i can handle it.

Buffy walks over to the wepons but then falls to the floor.

Spike: Buffy......Buffy.......are you ok?

Buffy: Yeah, Yeah i just im tired sudenly i feel really tired.

Spike: You should lay down.

Spike carys Buffy over to her bed sudenly Buffy kisses Spike passionatly.

Buffy Story

Post 94

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

spike backs away
buffy is confused

spike: you need some rest, you might do something you regret
buffy: ya, im a little tired
spike: i'll take the rest down and the gang will sort it

spike kisses buffy and leaves

Buffy Story

Post 95

meMoRial AveRsioN

As soon as Spike leaves Buffy sits up in her bed confused, sudenly there's a knocked at her door.

Buffy: Come in.

Angel: Hey, ermmm... Spike said you were feeling a little ermmmm....

Buffy: Yeah just a little disy.

Angel: Oh, er are you feeling better.

Buffy: ermm... kinda.

Sudenly Willow and Xander apear at the door, and then the whole gang come up, Angel slips out quietly while the gang are talkin to Buffy. Angel go's and finds Spike.

Buffy Story

Post 96

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

spike is walking to his crib, angel catches up with him

angel: spike! spike!
spike: what do you want? i haven't done anything
angel: its not that

spike has a "sorry? what!" type of face

angel: i just wanted to see why you left?
spike: because while buffy rests i'm petroling
angel: oh, you want help?

spike is surprised

angel: well, as we're not fighting any more and i want to help buffy too
spike: ya, sure

at the house buffy is acting very weird

williow: buffy are you ok?
buffy: i tryed! but why did he back off? i mean he never backed away before
williwo: buffy? are you ok? ,.... eer xander could you give a min
xander: sure

xander leaves

buffy: oh williow, i kissed spike but he just backed away
williow: hahahahaha, buffy! his hardly going to be in the mood at this time, i mean we're all in battle mode
buffy: oh, williow, i must acted such a fool
williow: go on you get your rest, see ya later
buffy: ya, thanks

spike and angel get into converstaion

angel: how you and buffy come about?
spike: don't know, i woke up one day and realised i had a er, dream about her and me
angel: oh! hahahahahhaa, i know what yo umean
spike: you do?
angel: i mean well, me and darla
spike: oh
angel: so, is there another reason you left the house?
spike: well, i think the stress is getting to her, i mean she kissed me, and i think she wanted more
angel: you ran from that?
spike: no! she only does that with me when she needs a break from other things, im just a toy to her

Buffy Story

Post 97

meMoRial AveRsioN

Angel: If i know Buffy when she loves someone she REALLY loves them!

Spike: You think she loves me?

Angel: Havn't you seen the way she acts around you? she's crazy about you, and you backed away from her? she's gona think your bored of her.

Spike: Im not i mean i love her.

Angel: I think Buffy thinks you have gone of her, i mean when i was talking to her.....

Spike: you were talking to her?

Angel: Yeah, and i could see she was thinking about somthing, and i guess she was thinking about you.

Spike: She was thinking about me? wow.

Angel: If you want my advice, i'd say go back to her and make sure she knows that you love her, because you dont wana lose her.

Spike: no i dont.

At Buffy's house Spike enters, he walks upstairs and go's into Buffy's room, Buffy is sleeping lightly Spike goes over to her and strokes her hair gently, Buffy wakes up.

Buffy: Spike?

Spike: Shhh..... I love you.

Buffy: I love you to.

Spike kisses Buffy........

(posable ending to an episode??)

Buffy Story

Post 98

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

(great ending)

(new ep)

williow is getting some magic books, xander, angel and spike are going through the weapons

spike: what about this one?
angel: oh, good choice

xander has a very confused face

xander: so your talking now?
angel: well we've known eachother for how long?
xander: but yoy hated eachother
spike: guess we don't anymore
xander: thats so unfair
angel: you know, you look like quite a good snack, what do you say spike?
spike: mmmmm, long time since i had a human

buffy is up and energetic

buffy: glade to see you getting on

she kisses angel on the cheek than kisses spike
xander gets ready for one but she goes to talk to williow

spike: hahahaha, was you waiting for one monkey boy?
xander: no! i was waiting to see if she had any info
spike: mmmmmmm

he and angel laugh, xander shes the ood side of it and joins in

spike: xander, how about this one?
xander: err, (surprised his getting along with spike) ya, thanks

dawn: you ready yet im bored
buffy@ dawn how about you go over to a friends house

Buffy Story

Post 99

meMoRial AveRsioN

Dawn: What and miss all the way!

Buffy: Dawn i dont want you getting hurt, now go over your friends house please.

Dawn: Agh, this is so unfair!

Dawn leaves the house and slams the door behind her.

Buffy: She drives me crazy!

Willow: Dont worry Buffy im sure she'll understand.

Buffy: Yeah im hoping.

Buffy Story

Post 100

><***$THE SCOOBIES(ANYA)$***><

spike: ok, guys, you ready?
williow: 1 min, one last spell just in case something goes wrong
spike: ok, we can take these downstairs

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