This is a Journal entry by Zymurgy

Tis only me...

Post 81


And if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.smiley - tickle If they gave thought a chance they might grow to enjoy it. Maybe.smiley - erm Well, nekkid under the quilt...with scary eyes!smiley - modsmiley - mod

It doesn't really get the adrenaline going.smiley - online2long Well, will you wave at my train if I go?smiley - erm

It is a bad thing. Definitely. Shit I can't remember what I said.smiley - biggrin

It doesn't even have <>, it's a crap phone.smiley - cross Educated in what?

Back here for the last ten minutes to lurk, hello if you're still about.smiley - kiss

Tis only me...

Post 82


Nah, quit.smiley - biggrin Just depends if they bump into the yoome2 crowd, that could put you off for life.smiley - erm Hmmmmmmm, scary eyes!smiley - drool

I have something that will.smiley - devil Course I will, it'll pass about 25 miles away though, so I doubt you'd see me.smiley - biggrin

In your opinion.smiley - tongueout

All things cyber, of course.smiley - tickle

Still about, but you're probably not by now. Did you try plugging your cable into your tv then?

Tis only me...

Post 83


Hey, I didn't say I hadn't broken my phone duck.smiley - tongueout

I'm still here, should have five minutes.smiley - tickle Nope, I haven't yet, it'll require wire dismantling. What you up to tonight?smiley - kiss

Tis only me...

Post 84


You have then?smiley - bigeyes Do tell I'm all ears.smiley - biggrin

Just got a vid. When are you hoping to be able to pop back in?smiley - blush

Tis only me...

Post 85


Nah, I'd find it too funny. Me and my mate used to phone the operator in the Arab Emirates and tell him we lusted for his body though, then he'd ask us to bark like a dog and it got hilarious.smiley - biggrin

Enjoy the film then.smiley - tickle I don't know when, I might try to get to the library next week.smiley - erm Anyway, got to go. Have a good week and weekend.smiley - kiss

Bye Pisty.smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

Tis only me...

Post 86


Ok then, tatty bye.smiley - cry

Laters.smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

Tis only me...

Post 87


Hey, just thought I'd say hi while I was online. Don't know why, perhaps because I'm bloody miserable and I kind of like being Zymurgy. Anyways, ignore the rest, just hi.smiley - tickle

Tis only me...

Post 88


I hadn't seen this, perhaps cos Zymurgy hasn't been around for so long.smiley - wah

Sorry about that, I'm not in the mood for it today.smiley - erm

Tis only me...

Post 89


I just simul-alteregoed you.smiley - biggrin

You a bit fed up?smiley - tickle I'll have to go and post to her before she goes in a huff.smiley - devil

Tis only me...

Post 90


Great minds and all that.smiley - biggrin

I was surprised you hadn't. The good thing about being on a PC though is you can open another window and be logged into both accounts.

Tis only me...

Post 91


My mind's actually a bit greater since I lost all those channels.smiley - biggrin

I have a problem with windows, I click on too many links and end up with about 14 open at the one time.smiley - erm Don't suppose you know a way to get the email back on the digibox?smiley - grovel

Tis only me...

Post 92


Huh! Tis saying there is a reply to this posting, its invisible though.smiley - erm

Tis only me...

Post 93


Ah! There it is.smiley - erm Did you try to hook it into your vid then, or are you still too chicken?smiley - biggrin

Nah, sorry, but you need a link to force it to download emails again and that link will only work in email. Have you still got yoome2 then?smiley - erm

Tis only me...

Post 94

Colonel Codpiece

I'm trying it tonight, I found a connector that means I don't have to pull the end off the cable feed.smiley - biggrin Bit less chicken now. Does it actually work or were you taking the piss?smiley - erm

I've still got yoome, but my SmartCard number is invalid, I can't access it because I have no account at TW. Good eh?

Tis only me...

Post 95


Eek. Switched on me!smiley - wah

Tis only me...

Post 96


You don't have to pull it off, it just unscrews. Yeah it works fine, depends on the tuning standards of your equipment which channels you can get though, you should, theoretically, be able to get all the channels that are unscrambled.smiley - biggrin

Hmmm, I wondered how that worked. Have you had a good mess with it, cos there's bugs aplenty in there.smiley - erm

Tis only me...

Post 97


Mine was a bit stuck, only the first nut would move, but I had an old analogue converter thing lying about.smiley - biggrin How many of the channels are still broadcast in analogue anyway, it's only those I could pick up right?

I haven't messed with yoome2 at all, it's of no interest at all really, I'd rather read a book.smiley - erm Are you trying to get URLs for it Beelzebub?smiley - tickle

Tis only me...

Post 98


I've no idea how many are still broadcast and I suspect its different from region to region. But when I tried it last I got a few.smiley - biggrin Yep, its the analogue signals, I was thinking of getting a splitter and putting it on other tellies around the house, but thats work.smiley - biggrin

Tis of no interest to me either, however if you can still get in you'd have someone to talk to. Why do you have some?smiley - loveblush

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