This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny
Universal Granny Started conversation Jul 7, 2003
Well, the re-wire is complete, the house is a tip and NOTHING is in its right place, but at least everything should be on the way up now.
The electricians left last Thursday after we had taken a head count of s,
s, and guinea pigs to make sure they were all above floorboard level.
I hired a van on Saturday to take a megaload of rubbish to the dump, mainly garden stuff, but other bits as well, including old furniture and a couple of blankets and duvets even the dogs home didn't want.
Then I took two beds and other bedspreads, duvets, pillows, blankets up to the local animal rescue centre (nearly came home with another
), and a ton (slight exaggeration) of recyclable material to the local cluster of bins in our swimming pool car park.
Felt good after that, but am now wading through a swathe of dust and plaster bits to try and find the surfaces.
So I did survive it and when I have unearthed the glasses you are all welcome to a glass of something to help me celebrate.
Tefkat Posted Jul 28, 2003
Now you have months of plaster dust to look forward to. No matter how often you clean more just keeps settling.
Better drink up quickly
Universal Granny Posted Jul 28, 2003
Thanks - oh disorganised one, but my surgical appliance doesn't need elec..... oh you didn't mean that, did you?
You're right, Tefkat, no matter how many damp cloths I apply, there's still an acre of dust next morning. I'm thinking of tying a mop to the dog's tail - no maybe not!
Thanks for your wishes for you both (or should that be for me)
Take care, Universal Granny
Universal Granny Posted Jul 30, 2003
You still up? Haven't spoken to you properly lately, how you doing?
Is the house straighter now, and have you mastered the Raeburn yet?
I am still wading through plaster dust, but hopefully, with the help of friends and those I have bribed, we should be all clear and decorated by the end of September
Work has eased off a bit (it always does in the school holidays) so I am trying to catch up on bits and pieces that otherwise remain unattended. Grandchildren still lovely (not that I am biased, you understand!).
Youngest daughter a bit fraught after her move because the house is so tatty and they left a beautifully decorated little place behind. Never mind, she and husband have three weeks off between them now so that they can concentrate on decorating and DIY. I am just helping on the "grannying" side, which suits me down to the ground and keeps little one out of the paint pots.
Take care, Tefkat, speak to you soon
Universal Granny
Tefkat Posted Jul 30, 2003
I can sypathise with your youngest. We're fraught for exactly the same reason. And we worked so hard for so long on the other place that we really have neither the energy, inclination or money to get going on this one.
Never mind - off in the camper on Sunday. We can forget the place for 6 days.
You've bribed people? What with? ,
Universal Granny Posted Jul 30, 2003
I don't think there is a smiley for what I have bribed people with
Off in the camper where are you heading? Or do you just go where the fit takes you? I'd love to do that, and for a while down here there was a place that would hire out a campervan for a week at a time, but it closed down before we could take advantage of it.
I am sure I will speak to you before you go, but in case I don't, have a lovely time and forget all about the decorating and moving and home and lost school shoes etc. etc.
Take care, love UGxxx for the journey!
Tefkat Posted Jul 30, 2003
We're going to Coniston so the boys can build dens in the woods and throw stones into the lake for The Blonde Bitch and I can just laze around in the sun.
I'd love to just wander with no plan but Hubby and Owl wouldn't be able to cope with that. They have enough trouble dealing with our normal everyday lack of structure without complicating matters - specially when we've just moved house, Owl's changed school and Hubby's spending more than half of every week having to work with strangers .
Tefkat Posted Jul 30, 2003
We found the schol shoes - exactly a month after losing them - the day after school ended for the summer.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Universal Granny (Jul 7, 2003)
- 2: Ellen (Jul 12, 2003)
- 3: McKay The Disorganised (Jul 28, 2003)
- 4: Tefkat (Jul 28, 2003)
- 5: Universal Granny (Jul 28, 2003)
- 6: Tefkat (Jul 29, 2003)
- 7: Universal Granny (Jul 29, 2003)
- 8: Tefkat (Jul 30, 2003)
- 9: Universal Granny (Jul 30, 2003)
- 10: Tefkat (Jul 30, 2003)
- 11: Universal Granny (Jul 30, 2003)
- 12: Tefkat (Jul 30, 2003)
- 13: Tefkat (Jul 30, 2003)
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