This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny
Universal Granny Started conversation May 6, 2003
Had a really good day de-junking. Both daughters, their husbands and all the grandchildren turned up, and between them they shipped away loads of pure rubbish to the local council tip.
The men dealt with that and the girls and I (suitably aided by 4,2, and 1 year old grandchildren !!) set about keeping them supplied. The cupboard-under-the-stairs, the hall, the landing and the bathroom all got the treatment. My mind's still a mess but I can now fit in a vacuum cleaner, and a loofah along with that loo roll. (see above entry).
I must just mention that after all the dump runs had been executed (4 in all) and refreshments dealt out all round, we women, (myself, two daughters and the 4 year old) all set about sorting out again, but the men went strangely quiet. Upon investigation, each father was sound asleep with their respective sons also snoring at their sides. We left them too it, we got on much faster!
I've got blood pressure - just been diagnosed - so now my blood pressure goes up because I am worried that I have got blood pressure. I dream about it and wake up with my heart pounding, and I cannot stop my mind racing. Any tips, any cure, probably no more than "don't worry". That's hard. My Dad died when he was 58 - never reached retirement. I am not far short of that and it plays on my mind. Ugh, shudder, no more, back to work and stop thinking.....
Tabitca Posted May 7, 2003
hello here through tefkat's page. There are lots of relaxation things you can do for blood pressure..your GP or practice nurse should be able to help.If not leave a message on my page and I will see what I can do. I have been a single parent for 18 years so I know what it's like. daughter is going to uni so I'm taking on 2 jobs to help get us through. (At 48 I feel like I am getting too old for a 70 hour week but it won't be forever)I also found some friends drifted away when I was first on my own(partner died young)...probably cos they operate in couples and a single is a problem??? I have also moved miles away...last move sept.02 was 420 miles.There are always people on H2G2 to talk don't be lonely. maybe we'll talk again soon or bump into each other on threads.
McKay The Disorganised Posted May 11, 2003
Hi Granny - yeah its easy to say don't worry - trouble is you then immediately think "Why ? What should I be worrying about ?"
The best thing you can do for your Blood Pressure is relax. I know you work nights so try to avoid eating near the end of shift, just before you're going to bed or winding down for the day. Avoid salt, and remember blood pressure isn't everything, if you're otherwise healthy blood pressure is a fairly small thing.
Universal Granny Posted May 12, 2003
I thought blood pressure was dangerous under any circumstances. I am quite overweight, but I do not drink or smoke (boring, eh?).
My job entails quite heavy lifting at times and I am expected to keep up with the men as part of my job, this worries me a bit too because I thought exertion was not good either, but there is no way I can get out of it, and no way I can leave this job and earn the amount of money I need to meet my obligations.
Catch 22, eh
Universal Granny
McKay The Disorganised Posted May 12, 2003
Overweight and high blood pressure are not a good mix, but if you're not a smoker, and the exercise is regular then the first thing they'll say is loose weight.
I might be tempted to tell the doc you're not happy with 6 months and you'd like a monthly check. Can't hurt and if it eases your mind it'll help.
Tefkat Posted May 14, 2003
Cutting out salt makes your food taste really bland at first but once you get used to it you don't notice the lack and you pick up all the subtleties.
smurfles Posted Jul 19, 2003
hiya granny,well,at last i found the time ,and opportunity,to have a look at your page,just in case you still havent unearthed the glasses,here'sto having got through the wiring etc,
i had to message you about the blood pressure problem!!i have the same problem,and the same kind of thoughts,and is one of the most awul feelings when you thnk youre mind is clear,then it starts to go on it's own little fear trip,and you cant get it to go in the direction that you want it to!!!!!!!i went through an argument with my g.p,when he said "we'll just monitior it for a while longer",after three nonths,but i DID come away with medication.i wont even say dont worry,
,cos i worry about everything,i just wanted to let you know that i understand,and you arent alone...honest!!!
Ellen Posted Aug 15, 2003
You can buy seasoning mixes that are salt free too. (Sorry, can't remember the brand name, but they have several varieties)
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