This is a Journal entry by The Biggest Hairiest Scotsman in the Land

Recovering at last

Post 1

The Biggest Hairiest Scotsman in the Land

Last weekend suffered from the most horrible viral infection - eruptions from every orifice and a temperature of 104... luckily the fever broke after a day... but it left me feeling completely washed out for three or four days.

Luckily, I got well in time for my big-40 birthday bash. Had a little too much to drink, but I think the illness left me immune to alcohol - I watched the video we took at the party last night and there's no difference in me from start to finish... horrible!

One good thing about being so ill... I didn't have to do the horrible transcontinental commute last week...

One bad thing about getting better - I'm writing this after the too-long plane ride to california!

Looking forward to finishing with this project. Getting bored of this commute. Been in california long enough! Right now, even Texas looks good!!!!

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