This is a Journal entry by *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ?????
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 15, 2003
what that message for me? well david came to see me over the weekend! we had so much fun, im not going to tell you what we did because i think you would have guessed!!
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 16, 2003
Hi Steph,
Im also seeing someone called David, kinda got confused! Whats your a/s/l please?
{*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH Posted Jul 17, 2003
andrea 14/f/bham
cos tom n his m8 spread sumthin about me n dave..n wot "aparently" i did! thank god not many ppl believe it!
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 17, 2003
Hehee Mel, guess what?
I got accepted to do Travel and Tourism at South Tyneside College, woohoo isnt it good??
Are you or
I have been going through the sort
of same thing that people have been causing trouble for me and my
boyfriend! This person, lets call
her P said to David (my boyfriend) that I had been calling
him names which is not true, so I
told David if I was likely to call him I would tell him myself!
*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? Posted Jul 17, 2003
at those stupid
stirrers !! if only peeps wud just let others get on with their lives without buttin in all the time !!
no worries tho sweetie their only jealous !!
*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? Posted Jul 17, 2003
congrats sweetie
im sooo 2day n i dont no y !! how out u ?? howz u feelin 2day ??
u seen my page yet im startin 2 make it look more appealing 2 the eye !!
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jul 23, 2003
Goodmorning Steph and Mel,
What have you been upto over the weekend?
Ive had a good weekend! So Steph,
did you manage to sort things with David?
Do you know that person the er who tried to come between me and david?
Well put it like this, she sent him this disguisting photos put it like this there are of her inside (the furthest she could shove the camera upherself) and out! She is nothing but a tramp! at least my boyfriend aint interested
inthe TaR t!!!
*MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? Posted Jul 23, 2003
ewwwwwww she's so sick !! what the hell did she take the pics with actually i dont wanna no...............*s 2 b sik*
..............*s bak*
bout that just feel a bit
now !!
Key: Complain about this post
- 61: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 15, 2003)
- 62: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 15, 2003)
- 63: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 15, 2003)
- 64: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 15, 2003)
- 65: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 16, 2003)
- 66: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 16, 2003)
- 67: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 16, 2003)
- 68: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 16, 2003)
- 69: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 17, 2003)
- 70: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 17, 2003)
- 71: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 17, 2003)
- 72: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 17, 2003)
- 73: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 18, 2003)
- 74: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 18, 2003)
- 75: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 18, 2003)
- 76: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 20, 2003)
- 77: {*Steph*}-Il EAt YoU ALivE:[*I Love David*]:FIrsT It GIVetH (Jul 21, 2003)
- 78: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 21, 2003)
- 79: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jul 23, 2003)
- 80: *MeLlY~the~MiNx*Im back !!!!!! miss me ????? (Jul 23, 2003)
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