This is a Journal entry by Jane Austin


Post 21


Transcendental Primist - You sound like the most promising Primist so far. If you are ready to talk to me, create a personal entry which I can reply to.


Post 22

Jane Austin


Beautifully said as usual!!!

Sandwich, lovely to hear that your wife doesn,t need to comfort eat anymore, I have certainly passed through stages in my life where I ate for the same reasons, and also didn,t eat also for the same reasons!!!

Primist, yep certainly it,s better to be an animal than a stone, and probably better to be a human than an animal, but I can,t help thinking that the best thing to be of all is a cat. smiley - biggrin


Jane smiley - biggrin


Post 23

Transcendental Primist

I will post something there next weekend--I'm too buisy this weekend and I probably won't have time this week.

And, Jane--Perhaps, but can anyone really reasonably hope to be a cat? I think god is a more realistic ambition. Hahahaha.


Post 24


I like the idea of being a cat as well. Plenty of sleep. No one owns you and you get to look superior even when you do the daftist things.

Back on to 'Conspiracy'. (Very dull and quite off topic now - sorry Jane.) Why is being a God better than being a human being better than another animal? These are intangible comparatives. Surely this comparison is a conspiracy of sorts steming further back than Aristotle and Sophists bringing us onto the problem of what actually is being 'better'. For further analyses look no further than Robert Pirsig's 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' and the follow-up, 'Lila'.


Post 25

Jane Austin

Hi Sandwich

Well I have always had this funny suspicion that cats are actually gods!! mine certainly lives as if she is a little godess, demanding her food compaining if it is not to her taste, flatly refusing to do anything as demeaning as hunting mice, following the sun all day long and jumping through the window at night and curling up on MY spot on the sofa.

She has no worries, no stress, no work, all she does is preen herself knowing that she is an absolute beauty, no low self-esteem is to be found in Fifi at all, she is very sure of herself and considers me to be the luckiest person on earth because she chooses to bestow her presence upon me!!! Wow!!! a totally confident cat. or should I say cattess!!!



Post 26


In ancient Egypt cats were worshipped as gods and I don't think they've quite forgotten that.smiley - winkeye


Post 27

Jane Austin

Fifi definitely thinks she is a little godess!!!



Post 28

Transcendental Primist

Fnord, I have finally written an introduction--it took me a long time to get around to it because I've been getting a lot of homework.

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