This is a Journal entry by Pimms
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Disco Inferno
Pimms Posted Apr 25, 2008
Not over yet, but as I've been working throughout week as well as out every evening I have had no chance to blog my progress. Three performances to go - tonight with NODA representative, old and new director's in the audience
Off to lunch with rest of committee to meet new director in a while.
So this week what has happened? I have got increasingly tired I have apparently sung out of tune in backing vocals
I have missed one entrance (for scene in Hell where Arthur Brown's 'Fire' is sung)through dizzily getting changed into costume for following entrance and not being able to get back into correct costume in time to get on stage
- this led to me being able to say 'See you in hell' as reassurance for future perfs to my disappointed fellow cast members
I also have distracted myself into forgetting to give my final line on the last two nights. I *will* remember it tonight.
On the plus side a work colleague confessed he couldn't stop laughing when he saw my character on stage, and really enjoyed the show, and some of my camp characterisations have raised a laugh from the audience every night. My major scene has gone without a major hitch every night (though I admit I did sing the wrong chorus of one verse on one night, and on more than one occasion the props have let us down - a camera is supposed to flash giving me a cue)
Disco Inferno
Pimms Posted Apr 27, 2008
It's now all ovr bar the get out and (in a couple of weeks) the aftershow dinner.
Yesterdays two shows got off to a bad start when a fault developed in the lighting system that meant the lights weren't receiving the cue signals and the flaw had to be traced in the cables. This meant the matine was delayed from starting, the iron brought in (the iron being the succinct term for the sturdy fireproof metal wall that is lowered between every performance and separates audience from the stage) and the lighting rigs lowered and swarmed over by the technical guys - in the end it was apparently Alex, the sound guy, who sorted out the problem.
The audience were provided free icecream. lost half my post in a failed preview.
Disco Inferno
Pimms Posted Apr 27, 2008
A more succinct ramble now. We started 35 minutes late, curtailing the break between shows. I nevertheless removed and reapplied my make-up so it was fresh - all wigs were redressed in the short break too. I also managed to get home and wolf down a chicken and broccoli stirfry and pick up some face wipes and my leather gloves for the post show get out.
Fortunately there was not much gift swapping, so I was not embarassed by any further unreciprocable mementoes. On the way down to the matinee I made a point of purchasing a couple of bottles of and gave one to Lady Marmelade, who had given me a
bottle the day before. The other I kept in reserve and brought home to give to my wife for her forbearance while the show has been on.
During the matinee I again had a loss of concentration and went up to get changed in the dressing room a scene early. Fortunately I realised earlier (cued by the unaccustomed emptines of the drssing room) and with considerable haste managed to put my correct costume back on and get on stage almost dressed - neckscarf loosely tied, and shirt buttons undone, but adequate to fool most of audience by judicious buttoning of jacket (simpler than the fiddly shirt buttons)
Disco Inferno
David B - Singing Librarian Owl Posted May 3, 2008
Eep. Sounds like you coped with most of the problems. I would have been gnawing my arm off in frustration when the lighting issue reared its head, I think.
I wonder how many audience members realise how frequently we're not properly dressed on stage?
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