This is a Journal entry by Pimms

Must work! Not use h2g2.

Post 1


I'm trying to restrict my use of h2g2 while at work.

It is having a bad effect on my output and exercise - I used to go for a walk to the beach at lunchtime.

Earlier this week was frustrated - couldn't think of any subjects to write Entries about that hadn't already been covered by an Edited Entry.

Now I have a few ideas:smiley - smiley

Diving with sharks
Piet Hein, poet and inventor
Soma Cube
The Isle of Man
Archibald Knox, artist
T.E. Brown, poet

Has anyone written effectively about any of these?smiley - erm

Pimms smiley - stiffdrink

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Must work! Not use h2g2.

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