This is a Journal entry by JockMacAbre
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 7, 2004
I miss the old LD. Yoomee is
So, do any of you remember me?
Just lie, and, say yes, if you don't.
I came on here last week, and, am plodding my way through.
Come and chat with me.
Any former LD'ers out there
Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) Posted Feb 7, 2004
Noooooo mean yessssss of course I remember you, was it? no...John? no...
What was you LD username?
Any former LD'ers out there
Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) Posted Feb 7, 2004
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 7, 2004
Bob! Do I look like a Bob?
This was my username on LD.
See, now you remember me!
I did come onto this, around March, but couldn't figure how to load it. But, now, I am getting to grips with the rascal.
Only thing, is, when I make mistakes, it is murder having to use Tipex.
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 7, 2004
A chainsaw fetishh??
I thought I was extreme, liking pogo sticks.
Any former LD'ers out there
Evoot - Back in Black!! Posted Feb 7, 2004
wat? me love things that are evil,lol, chainsaws are koool cos they can be gruesome,lol, pvc is very purrrdy too,lol
Any former LD'ers out there
Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) Posted Feb 7, 2004
I'm as blind as a bat, so just call everyone Bob to save trouble...trouble is that it causes more trouble and I get into trouble and end up with a whole load of trouble...if that doesn't trouble you to make sense! .
I've been on here since April 2002 couldn't figure till a year later.
Pleased to meet you by the way, LDers is a dying breed on here nowdays!
You'll find that our Clairey rey has fetishes that are way moay more extreme...corsets...she actually likes them deathtraps...and makes them...tut tut. I wont ask about the pogo stick situation
Any former LD'ers out there
Evoot - Back in Black!! Posted Feb 7, 2004
yes i do,teee heee, i do have my extreme an and bizarre fetishes...
hee hee x
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 7, 2004
Okay, use your sonar.
A lot of us went onto Yoomeme to find the place is
and full of
t>type people.
It took you a year to suss all this?
I have only been on a week, that fills me with confidence!
I tried to find your profile, don't you have onene?
Now, I am going to get back to the chainsaw weilding person
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 7, 2004
PVC as well as a chainsaw?I bet you have a fishing rod that reels in refugees from your local council estate, as well.
Any former LD'ers out there
Pinky Posted Feb 7, 2004
Hi Bob and any other former user of LD xxx Love Pinky xxx
Any former LD'ers out there
Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) Posted Feb 7, 2004
G'day Pinky
Now was a whip another fetish of yours, or am I thinking of myself?
Well took me 5 mins to actually work out how to navigate around here, just a year how to actually do everything available, theres so much.
I deleted my profile ages ago, read it one day and realised how boring I am, best not to have it .
Sian, 17, from Essex and a boring is my profile 'yawn'.
Any former LD'ers out there
JoJo-3 months to go Siany :-) Posted Feb 8, 2004
Helloooooooooooooo ducky ...
I's deffinately you with the fetish for whips 'wink' lol and the fishing one...bleurghhhh 'shudder' lol .
Ohhh one thing I wanted to ask, what month is it you're going on holiday?
Don't want you being away when munchkins here is born .
Anyhows, I'll speak to you...Tuesday? What time?
Any former LD'ers out there
Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) Posted Feb 8, 2004
! lolx.
Hello me chucky duck! .
I only own one, not exactly a fetish! . Now, rods are no fetish, I just so happen to actually like fishing...did I tell you about my last trip...? lmaox
Errr...mid June I think, deffinately in June! So no worries, providing youg you don't go over! .s>.
Don't expect me to accompany youin, I ain't getting my hand broken (though it already is lolx), considering I ain't the one who got you into your state lolx. How is Nicky anyway?
I'll be with Fiona at Bluewaterpm during the day and evening, so anytime after 8pm will suit me .
I'm off to bed now, don't on't want to completely turn into a saddo like like you lmaox
byeeee ducky!
Any former LD'ers out there
JoJo-3 months to go Siany :-) Posted Feb 8, 2004
Noooo don't bore me please
Oh that's good, fingersgers crossed, hell will Nicky come in lol...besides its only you legs gs that'll get broken! lmaox
Nicky is great, off work with a bad cold at the moment!
Ok I'll call you you at 9pm! lol.
Any former LD'ers out there
*!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^! Posted Feb 8, 2004
hiya everyone, i remembered my user name!! yay!!
Any former LD'ers out there
toddfromcorry Posted Feb 9, 2004
Well, we have two coinkdinks, I am Sean, and, I am seventeen ... no, calm down! I am not you, I said, Sean.
Hey, wouldn't it be funny, if I lived in your house, and, your mum thought I was you?
She would say, "Sian, go and tidy your room young lady, inni!"
Then, I would realise I am not you, because I live by Liverpool.
Phew, I am glad I realised that, because, I am going to bed now, and, I wouldn't have fancied the long walk from Essex.
Key: Complain about this post
Any former LD'ers out there
- 21: Evoot - Back in Black!! (Feb 6, 2004)
- 22: toddfromcorry (Feb 7, 2004)
- 23: Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) (Feb 7, 2004)
- 24: Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) (Feb 7, 2004)
- 25: toddfromcorry (Feb 7, 2004)
- 26: toddfromcorry (Feb 7, 2004)
- 27: Evoot - Back in Black!! (Feb 7, 2004)
- 28: Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) (Feb 7, 2004)
- 29: Evoot - Back in Black!! (Feb 7, 2004)
- 30: toddfromcorry (Feb 7, 2004)
- 31: toddfromcorry (Feb 7, 2004)
- 32: Evoot - Back in Black!! (Feb 7, 2004)
- 33: Pinky (Feb 7, 2004)
- 34: Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) (Feb 7, 2004)
- 35: JoJo-3 months to go Siany :-) (Feb 8, 2004)
- 36: Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!) (Feb 8, 2004)
- 37: JoJo-3 months to go Siany :-) (Feb 8, 2004)
- 38: Evoot - Back in Black!! (Feb 8, 2004)
- 39: *!TaNyA!*ThE aTtEnTioN SeEkinG brAt Is BacK^! (Feb 8, 2004)
- 40: toddfromcorry (Feb 9, 2004)
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