This is a Journal entry by Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny


Post 21

Researcher 240878

buffy...i'll jump on your smiley - bus i wont be paying the smiley - bus fair thosmiley - laugh
thats the thing buffy. there is NO competiton. its just another forum, see what you just did?? ADVERTISED..thats all i did for all the shit to hit the fan, but i REALLY DONT give a F**K like some, advertise in ye old coffee shoppe see the reaction you get, its just a link to me, dressed up around a funny msg, well thats what i did in the coffee shoppe anyway.
but REASERCHERS seem to forget that H2G2 is full of links so who gives a flying shit. come to the travellers rest i'll help you site a poster advertising the boars head for you,
now do i seem to be the one whos sceard of competition?? not me, your thinking of the old tea shoppe crowd.
anyway. like i said, set up 2 threads one for and one against the travellers rest and see whether or not i should leave h2g2, i dont care either way, one thing you must take into account though is i REALLY dont care, but wheen im on here i would rather not get into slanging matches, i just want a laff, and if you follow the tea shoppe 4 thread back you will see that all this started becouse i ADVERTISED my forum, they took it far to serious. thats the BOTTOM LINE. so if you want to get into a debate ofver whether or not there should be a travellers rest then pls do read the back log of events leading up to it's closer, then and ONLY then will your input be valid
smiley - devil


Post 22

~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534


told ya once I DONT GIVE A FLYIN MONKEYS. and as far as payin for the FREE smiley - bus its FREE that means you dont have to pay for it coz its FREE, emphasise on the word FREE smiley - bus, and as for going back on the threads i really cant be bothered as i have a pub full of customers wating for a drink or 2.lmao

as i said before, catch you later now dout.



Post 23

Researcher 240878

buffy buffy take a chill pill, of course its free its vertual after all smiley - dontpanic
so you dont give a flying monkey? then why make a posting regarding my forum?? what happened to your sense of humour?
read above msg again and conclude that it was full of crap, ie humour am i been miss read again?? you been drinking far to much smiley - coffee in ye ol tea shoppe? and before you get too stresed buffy my old mate re read this msg it is also bull shit aka humour. us lders must stick together on h2g2 or we wont blend in we dont really belong here and never will so lets not US lders get falling out over vertual chat.

smiley - devil


Post 24

~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534


then why did you say you wernt gonna pay the fare?
oh smiley - bleep it i cant be bothered


Post 25

Researcher 234607


Post 26

Researcher 240878

buffy, becouse i like to keep all my vertual smiley - 2cents for paying LAWERS fees, seems i get in a lot of trouble on h2g2 so you never knowsmiley - laugh

totty give demon a hug then smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

smiley - devil


Post 27

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

aye aye, whats going on 'ere then??

You two, get out of that corner & stop canoodlingsmiley - laughsmiley - evilgrin

smiley - jester


Post 28

Researcher 234607

totty grabs demon in a bear smiley - hug was that good enough?? smiley - laughsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Totty smiley - flyhi


Post 29

Researcher 240878

totty not so tight my eyes are starting to bulge out n you know that you have a phobia about bulging eyes smiley - laugh
smiley - hug gentley smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - kiss
smiley - devil


Post 30

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - runs from the room screaming in horror after witnessing Demons eyeballs nearly popping outsmiley - yikessmiley - evilgrin

smiley - jester


Post 31

Researcher 234607

eeuurrgghhhhhh!!!! thanks Demon for that thought smiley - wahsmiley - grrsmiley - laugh
i could just imagine ur blood-shot eyeballs poppin from their sockets smiley - yikes oh look, uv only went scared lynsey away smiley - laugh
ooohhhh a nice gentle smiley - hug for Demon smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - smiley


Post 32

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - wahI'm gonna have bad dreams nowsmiley - wah

smiley - jester


Post 33

Researcher 240878

shes gone to get the smiley - nurse just incase my eyes do pop out n start rolling along the floorsmiley - laugh thats better demon likes gentle smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin
smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch
smiley - devil


Post 34

im forever losing things but hey it could be worse

smiley - ill


Post 35

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

smiley - ermhave the smiley - empty stopped flying in here yet then smiley - laugh



Post 36

im forever losing things but hey it could be worse

smiley - borgsmiley - milk


Post 37

Researcher 234607

hey who needs a smiley - nursesmiley - laugh ill just shove them back in myself n save the hassle lol better watch i dont make u cock-eyed tho or ul be a weird looking Demon (oh god totty is talking sh*t again smiley - yikes) smiley - laugh
smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddle


Post 38

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

smiley - borgsmiley - emptysmiley - alesmiley - cidersmiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - stout

smiley - evilgrin


Post 39

Researcher 234607

st romi

yep and i hope it stays like that smiley - smiley

Tottysmiley - flyhi


Post 40

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

hiya totty oooooooo drop the st bit romi will do if you plz smiley - biggrin

I'll have a double whiskey then plz smiley - smiley


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