This is a Journal entry by SKIT ~ "The Diggler Lives on"

hootoo voodoo

Post 1

SKIT ~ "The Diggler Lives on"

day 1.

Bewilderment. A Brave New World that has such creatures in it.

hootoo voodoo

Post 2


lol...don't be going all flaky on us now we're over here smiley - winkeye

hootoo voodoo

Post 3

SKIT ~ "The Diggler Lives on"

Cheeky Mar(g)e!!

smiley - winkeye

Know what you mean about the personal space thang - 'cept it's not "personal" - just totally transparent and open to all!

It would be nice to have a private tree-house in this environ, where you could invite friends over for a private conflab and a wee dram.

hey-ho. smiley - jester

hootoo voodoo

Post 4


well we have our own chatroom, we could easily have our own messageboard smiley - winkeye

hootoo voodoo

Post 5

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Indeed. smiley - winkeye

Will talk to you later about that if you're still in cyberspace Marge smiley - winkeye Sounds pretty dandy though. smiley - biggrin

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