This is a Journal entry by Laura

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 41


smiley - tongueout

smiley - rofl

Won't it be rather difficult to get it over your head? smiley - winkeye

smiley - run

smiley - tea anyone?

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 42


smiley - tongueout I don't generally wear kettles..

smiley - tea would be brilliant

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 43


smiley - laugh

*hands round quantities of smiley - tea and smiley - strawberryand .*

smiley - zzz It's too hot!!! Bring back the smiley - snowball.

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 44


smiley - strawberriessmiley - droolsmiley - ta

Far too hot, it's 31 degrees here smiley - yikes

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 45


I've no idea how hot it is here, but it's boiling outside and even the library is beginning to get a tad stuffy, and that's very unusual. I’m based in what used to be the farm dairy so the buildings are designed to be a tad smiley - brr, but I think the heat has finally penetrated in through the walls.

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 46


It's still cooler inside than outside here, but the difference is getting smaller. I don't take well to heat.

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 47


I really don’t like it either. I spent all day on Sunday out in the blazing sun at Caldicot castle for the first rehearsal of the summer spectacular. The place is a sun trap, there’s no shade, and by 6:00 the cast was wilting somewhat.

It’s nice that it’s dry, but if it carries on like this I’ll end up in a hat and dress!!! smiley - yikes

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 48


I think it's meant to be cooler tomorrow fortunately. smiley - biggrin

On Sunday I was climbing Yr Elen, walking up the scree slope in that heat was not easy. Got some great views from Pen Yr Ole Wen though of Tryfan.

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 49


Normally I'd be dead envious of anyone who'd been spending days wandering around the Carneddau, but just thinking of the combination of all those tightly-packed contours you would have had to cross and the sun... I'm only slightly envious.

I wish that breeze that's sprung up would blow through my window!

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 50


It was very hard going. Great walk once we'd got to the top of Yr Elen though. smiley - biggrin The Snowdon horseshoe was easier, the cloud kept the temperature down.

I'd open my window but then I'd subject everyone on the street to '500 miles' smiley - laugh

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 51


It's freezing over here in Australia!! Middle of winter and the morning temps are down to about 6 degrees, but it still manages to top 20 degrees during the afternoon. Too cold for swimming, but on a Sunday you can still hit the beach. Imagine doing that in the UK in December!!

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 52


That's not freezing, more pleasant smiley - biggrin. I have hit the UK beach in the wintertime. smiley - smiley

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 53


Freezing is of course a relative term, unlike crazy. That has to apply to anyone hitting a British beach in winter.smiley - biggrin Frozen effluent anyone!!!!!

Tent on Tryfan picture in Trail magazine

Post 54


I like the cold smiley - biggrin. smiley - tongueout If you go to Skegness maybe, been paddling there in February smiley - biggrin

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