This is a Journal entry by Laura

I can't keep up

Post 81


coarrot cake? I wonder how I ever managed to accidently press the o? It's right on the other side of the keyboard. smiley - huh

I'm far too full on ginger cake. smiley - biggrin It's all gone now though, the remainder I shared at lunch today. (We walked 12 miles in four and a half hours, including lunch).

I can't keep up

Post 82

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - wowsmiley - yikes

hello, just a quick look in before to tin one of your favourite things today smiley - biggrin

mention af all that smiley - cake has made me hungry smiley - laugh

I can't keep up

Post 83

logicus tracticus philosophicus

(We walked 12 miles in four and a half hours, including lunch). smiley - roflsmiley - roflA vision of the three of you walking then after lunch only two walking back,haveing eaten the other one with the remainder of carrot cakesmiley - rofl

I can't keep up

Post 84


Golden syrup? smiley - drool Now I want to make some more tofee smiley - popcornsmiley - laugh

smiley - tongueout Eight set off to do walk 5 and eight returned, though a little muddier than previously and very cold. smiley - brr Carrot cake isn't very good to take rambling with all that creamy topping. smiley - yikes

I can't keep up

Post 85

Researcher 185550

You have to sort of, scoop up the goo, right?

I can't keep up

Post 86


The cream cheese icing does squidge easily. smiley - biggrin

I can't keep up

Post 87

Researcher 185550

But it's soooo nice!

I can't keep up

Post 88


Definitely smiley - biggrin, it just can't withstand being taken on rambles.

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