This is a Journal entry by Laura

I can't keep up

Post 1


What is happening to this site? smiley - huh

I'm online most days but not for very long and have been finding it hard (or more accurately impossible) to keep the back log under control.

Yesterday there was some sort of huge arguement (moving too fast for me to follow) about the digibox users not being able to get on site. smiley - sadface

Today I find one of the clubs I set up (the United Bedroom Confederacy) on the front page! smiley - huh It's even got it's own sock graphic. (Not that I really mind of course smiley - wow)

Now I'm increadably confused. Is it just me, or are other people finding it hard to work out what's going on at the moment?

I can't keep up

Post 2


Your not alone, there seems to have been a heck of a stink over the digibox userers, and it's all moved so fast that I've no idea how it all started.

I can't keep up

Post 3

Researcher 185550

smiley - wow

We're on the front page!


Yes, I too have been finding it hard to keep up with backlog. h2g2 has changed a bit since I joined, not for better or worse, just different. Perhaps it's this ".... new posts. Last replay: yadda yadda" has made me feel complacent about replying.

The argument is not about whether digibox users should be allowed on the site, it's that Telewest has blocked h2g2 because some ex- digibox users told them it contravened their policy on something or other. It's made a lot of people very angry at them, and I must say that I myself am sad that a lot of e- friends will not be back because of this.

I can't keep up

Post 4

Researcher 556780

Hi Uncsmiley - biggrin

'ave a smiley - tea it will all be ok

Road did you do your exam yet?

I can't keep up

Post 5


I've no idea how it ended up one the front page though. smiley - erm Nobody mentioned it either, I just logged on and found it there. smiley - weird

I've had a go at picking out the main points from the threads. It is upsetting to find that so many friends here have suddenly gone. smiley - wah

Ooooh, smiley - ta Want some cherry smiley - cake?

I can't keep up

Post 6

Researcher 556780

smiley - drool

sure....diets have gone out the window again...I have been successfully failing over 2 years now...smiley - laugh

I am still not smoking tho, its been either 3-4 years now - I forget which is a good thing smiley - biggrin

I can't keep up

Post 7

Researcher 185550

I've not done my exams yet, MV. I'm going to do most of my history one through half- term, it's gotta be in in March. I'll probably do a lot of philosophy then as well.

smiley - cheesecake for those that want it.

I can't keep up

Post 8


hmmmmm smiley - cheesecakesmiley - magic

I must investigate that sock picture, I wonder where it came from. smiley - erm

I can't keep up

Post 9

Researcher 556780

Just thinkin about food, makes me put weight on....*yeeesh*

Oh ok road, I just seem to recall that we were talking about some papers at some time...goodluck again for them. smiley - winkeye

Wish I could retain information and be able to pull it out as and when needed - I respect those that have trained their minds to do that smiley - biggrin

I can't keep up

Post 10


Fortunately I don't, just as well with all the baking I do. smiley - biggrin

I'm not very good at it, which is what revision is for I suppose. I do pick up some things though, I got a very good mark on my conservation biology and biogeography exam mainly because people kept asking me questions that were related to it.

I can't keep up

Post 11


Now I keep being signed off. smiley - wah

I can't keep up

Post 12

Researcher 185550

Keeps happening to me as well.

I can't keep up

Post 13

logicus tracticus philosophicus

tele west revenge,seems signals are getting blocked,perhaps will be interesting to see how it resolves,must check interenet traffic report

I can't keep up

Post 14

logicus tracticus philosophicus
must be routeing trouble ,perhaps telewest and bbc are closer intwined on bandwith than they think,?
any other thoughts,smiley - grr seems to be appropiate or just for ?smiley - rofl
you know you need one

I can't keep up

Post 15

Researcher 556780

Yes I was having trouble too, I seem to keep on getting stuck in a sign in loop...smiley - erm

I can't keep up

Post 16


Yes, that's the same thing that happened to me. I'd keep clicking 'sign in' but nothing would happen.

I can't keep up

Post 17


Signing in is OK, it's signing out that is causing me a problem. It was so bad on Sunday that after trying to log out for ten minutes, I just closed the browser.smiley - erm


I can't keep up

Post 18


I've just looked at a thread that I posted to yesterday and there have been 45 (count 'em, 45) new posts since yesterday lunch time. smiley - puff

You're not the only one who can't keep up, Unc.

Still, guess we shouldn't complain too much about h2g2 being busy.smiley - smiley


I can't keep up

Post 19

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

I don't think I've ever physically signed out of H2G2 smiley - erm -as I'm on an institutional computer I just sign out of the internet and my personal space on the computer, dash off to registration, normally, and let the server disconnect for me

I can't keep up

Post 20


Once my PC crashed and chucked me out of my internet link while I was on either h2g2 or GetWriting (can't be sure which). Ten minutes later when I had re-established my connection with the Web, I tried to sign back in and I got an error message telling me that I had committed some violation or other and inviting me to e-mail the BBC's techie people, which I did and they re-set my sign in. For this reason, I always try to sign out properly if I can.

Weird stuff like that happens to me all the timesmiley - erm


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