This is a Journal entry by Laura

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 21

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin

And you said something about the coach company becoming worried...

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 22


In the morning the coach hit a wall trying to cross a bridge (got a bit scratched). The previous weekend away the coach got a punture just outside Nottinham. The weekend away before that it almost hit a car (though this was the car's fault it was going far too fast round the bend). The car ended up wedged against the dry stone wall and the driver had to get out by climbing through the passanger window. We had to bounce the car back onto the road.

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 23

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin Well your coach trips always seem to be informative and exciting.

smiley - yikes

Hope it never gets boring!

You know, like, reading your book while the sky rains down molten magma as you're in the coach. Et cetera.

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 24


smiley - laugh The coach trips do tend to be good fun, we have quizes and have developed a bizzare tradition of singing 'Whiskey in the Jar' at the end of each journey smiley - huh. The team captian on the losing quiz team on the way to Aysgarth had to wear a flat cap when we stopped in Harrogate for dinner. smiley - biggrin

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 25

Researcher 556780

Hehehehe, poor thing, mebbe you should swap bus companies smiley - laugh

I'm wif everyone else, at least you saved the smiley - chocsmiley - biggrin

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 26


Now we know what happened to the owners of the Pergout smiley - biggrin, they were air lifted out. The people in the coach got out by climbing onto the dry stone wall.

We used to use Nottingham City coaches but they put they're prices up too much. smiley - wah

We did save the smiley - choc box and the safety box, which was great as we didn't think we'd be able to get to the coach. smiley - biggrin

'Coaches don't work very well underwater'

Post 27


smiley - yikes I suppose they had problems opening their car door.

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