This is a Journal entry by Laura

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 1


In case you've managed to escape me linking you to it so far, its front page is at A1123354. smiley - biggrin Apart from the odd bit, it's all finished now except for a gadgets section, but I think that maybe that one isn't necessary, as by the point people can add gadgets they may be able to follow the <./>GuideML-clinic</.> smiley - erm

Well anyway, I'd be very grateful if a few of you could take a look at it smiley - grovel, I think it's on the right lines.. and I've already got one satisfied customer before I've opened the thing smiley - yikessmiley - laugh but I'd still appreciate some feedback before I polish it off. smiley - biggrin

*bribes hopefuly with smiley - choc and smiley - ale*

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 2

airscotia-back by popular demand

Well i know how i'll be spending my next day off, that's just what we needed Unc, an idiots guide.

Well done.smiley - magicsmiley - cheers

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 3


Mmm, smiley - ale! smiley - drunk

Very good, I like. Just a few points you might want to mull over...

On the front page, consider adding the TITLE attribute to the edit userpage link, so that it shows up in the entry data box as something more informative than "HERE".

In the "Formatting" page: The the example list code (in the text box) might be clearer if you seperated each LI with a space, since you can't use line breaks. Also, the two types of list are more properly called ordered ( ) and unordered (a.k.a. bulleted, or ). I was totally unaware that could be used to declare an unordered list; it isn't mentioned in the GuideML clinic and isn't even part of HTML so it might be less confusing to use .

"Linking": In the "linking to threads" section, there's the sentence beginning "You replace the A number with the Forum and thread number however, these are..." which doesn't read quite right. You could mention that using just the F number will link to the list of conversations for that article; linking to fora and posts.

"Tables": Table border colours don't work in all browsers (at least not Opera 7, don't know about Netscape/Mozilla and others), possibly worth a mention. There's a typo, "table is mvery colourful", near the bottom of the page.

"Marquees": aaaarrrrghhh!!! smiley - headhurtssmiley - run

"Guest books": A couple of typos "...which you can o by leaving a message..." in the first paragraph of The Basics; " need write INREPLYT0..." in the second paragraph of The 'In Reply To' Guestbook. Also, it could perhaps be clearer that "the size of the guestbook" refers to the size of the text area you write in.

And a few general points: you should put at least one link *somewhere* to the GuideML Clinic. I know it's a scary, geeky kinda place but it is useful once you've got a hang of the GuideML basics. Or you could have links to the relevant GuideML Clinic pages as "further reading" links at the end of each section. It would also be useful if there were links to each section of the Workshop on every page rather than just the front page, perhaps as a drop-down menu, maybe like there is at the top of <./>Feedback</.> for example, or maybe even just using the tag.

Finally, maybe you could mention the test and testuserpage function of the guide, e.g. <./>testuserpage195965</.> and <./>test763571</.>, which is useful for nicking, ah, I mean *borrowing* funky code from other pages.

That's all for now, keep up the good work!

smiley - smiley

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 4


The was on my list of things to change, on realising I'd just used .

Good idea with title, wasn't happy with HERE.

Will have to alter the forum part.

I didn't realise table borders don't always work, I'll add that as well then.

I had problems writing some of it as hootoo kept crashing smiley - grr, and I kept losing where I'd got to.. so although I've re-written most the bits that were lost, there are a few gaps and mistakes that I've missed.

Hmm, I was thinking of writing links to the rest of the workshop on each page, I'll do that then. smiley - smiley

All the extras like testuserpage are proving a real headache smiley - headhurts, there are just too many of them. smiley - wah I think what I'll do is add a notes section, and add that on there, as well as links to the gadgets page in the Guide ML clinic.

Will have to wait til tomorrow though, when I can use the net for more than 15 minutes..

smiley - cheers

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 5


Oooh, ooh, *waves hand in the air*

Something else to add to the list: mention the <./>gurus</.> as friendly custodians and helpers-out of all things Guide ML-related.

I think it's just me and my Opera browser that doesn't do table border colours, Mozilla-based ones (Galeon for Linux, at least) do seem to work.

I'm not making your life any easier, am I? smiley - smiley

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 6


Ah yes, I was going to mention the Gurus but then forgot about it...

Won't take long to put in about the borders, I'll add a footnote or something. smiley - ok

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 7

Researcher PSG


I'll definately have a more detailed look through this (my space really needs a bit of work), but it looks good on a quick scan through of it.smiley - ok

Researcher PSG

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 8


Thanks smiley - biggrin

It's not qute done but I've made most the corrections, not been able to get online much, but when I can I'll pollish it off...

One week left before moving back to Notts...smiley - biggrin

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 9


Hej Unc. I've just found the workshop and think it looks great! smiley - ok

One thing: At the Tables page you only mention the font tag at the end in "Further Changes". However, if you use tables with background colours at h2g2 it is often quite important to specify a font colour. Otherwise the table will look good in one skin, but can easily be unreadable in another. Seeing the last paragraph at your PS, I'm sure you know this but just forgot it when writing the workshop! smiley - winkeye

As it is now, the text in your yellow and green example tables is very hard to read in Goo.

smiley - smiley

I've subscribed to all the pages. smiley - winkeye

Personal Space Workshop - almost finished

Post 10


Thanks smiley - biggrin, I'll change it soon as I can (still trying to sort network so can't get online much)

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