This is a Journal entry by Laura

Freedom.......but not for long

Post 1


Well, I'm out the Big Sister house, and back to my normal posting self. smiley - biggrin. smiley - cheers all those that voted for me, I came third smiley - wow. smiley - ta also to those of you who were candidates, it's been great posting to you smiley - smiley

An especially big thank-you for the gang from the addicts bar/tea room, who have been my biggest supporters smiley - kiss

I am going to pack up my computer on Thurday afternoon, and am going to Slapton Ley (in Devon) on Friday, and will not be back online until the following Friday smiley - wah.

Some of you may be interested in the Collaborative Book Project being launched at A1072234. smiley - biggrin The story will need writers, editors, admin.... something for everyone really smiley - smiley

Well, it's 3.15 a.m. and I'm finally out of steam smiley - zzz (In case you were wondering, I was at a wedding reception). Going to have to leave it at that for now....smiley - sleepy

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Freedom.......but not for long

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