This is a Journal entry by Laura

Pointless journal entry...

Post 1


Why pointless? Because most of you are contestants or are involved in some way, and most the rest are on holiday, but anyway...

Just in case you some how managed to miss it, I will be in the Big Sister House (A1059699) for a week, starting on 1st June (ie Sunday)

Consequently I will be posting there and not much anywhere else (the anywhere else being restricted to ACEing and essential updating to my groups - these of course being Word Game Addicts, Mental Meanderings and the Revision Support Group)

If there is anyone who isn't on holiday or a contestant, then please vote for me smiley - grovel at said site (A1059699).

Thank you

smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc

smiley - cheers

Pointless journal entry...

Post 2

airscotia-back by popular demand

I have no idea what it's all about,but you get my vote anyway Unc smiley - oksmiley - magic

Pointless journal entry...

Post 3


Well I don't either, thanks for the vote smiley - biggrin

Pointless journal entry...

Post 4

airscotia-back by popular demand

And againsmiley - biggrin

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