This is a Journal entry by Dr Deckchair Funderlik

Great Uncle Bulgaria

Post 1

Dr Deckchair Funderlik

Great Uncle Bulgaria is everyone's least favourite womble.

He liked to read the 'Times' newspaper, but that was in the days before Rupert Murdoch. Interestingly, however, Great Uncle Bulgaria could only read the times once it was out of date. Wombles made everything from rubbish - "things that the everyday folks leave behind" - and that include newspapers. That was why he was banned from Ladbrokes. He kept trying to bet on horses that had already won.

Why he is called "Great Uncle Bulgaria" is a mystery to me. He was supposed to be a grand womble, a noble womble, a womble of status. I have seen Bulgaria. It is none of these things. All wombles, of course, are communist. That's why you don't get to see much of them these days, the work-shy layabouts. Give a bit of a stint in national service, thats what I say. Make them work for a living. I didn't get where I am today by wandering around Wimbledon Common looking for junk to play with. Well, ok, I might have done..

Great Uncle Bulgaria

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hmm, wasn't the name something to do with his travels round the world? smiley - ermsmiley - weird I used to mis read the lyrics to the Wombles song,, I thought it said;" wombles of wimbleton, common are we'
meaning 'we are common' smiley - ermsmiley - weird Guess it works either way, as they are socialist wombles for sure smiley - ermsmiley - weird

Great Uncle Bulgaria

Post 3


Great Uncle Bulgaria is my favourite!!!

Great Uncle Bulgaria

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I was very fond of a lot of the individual wombles, though those feelings subsided somewhat after the therapy I got... I've still Got Uncle Bulgaria; he's on the landing, just outside this room, sitting on top of a Fez, just next to a duck... seriously... sort of on a table thing on the landing... next to the radiator... Sometimes there is a rabbit there too... He's lost his specs and cane though... err uncle Bulgaria has I mean, not the rabbit, the rabbit doesn't have either of those things, though she does have a hat.. smiley - bunny

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