This is a Journal entry by LadyCalamity


Post 1


I do some research for a local radio station, on a weekly basis and it’s amazing what you can find when surfing the web… it’s like being back at school again, but far more interesting. At present I am researching what happened in certain years, like news and sport events, and also what fashion was worn in years gone by and which were the favourite toy of that time, which films were big at the box office and what we were all watching on T.V… This week while I was researching, I came across a T.V programme that I haven’t seen in years and it brought back some very fond memories… It was “Ivor the Engine” The Little Welsh railway engine was from the Merioneth and Llantisilly Rail Traction Company Limited. Ivor was fired by Idris the dragon who lived in Ivor's boiler. The engine driver was Jones the Steam and the stationmaster was Dai Station. Ivor's great ambition was to sing in the choir.
And I found this
It’s a website that tells you all about Ivor the Engine it tells you the history and even has a print, cut and create your own Ivor.smiley - biggrin

What T.V programme from yester years brings good memories for you?

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