This is a Journal entry by Insomniac Truth Seeker


Post 1

Insomniac Truth Seeker

It's cold and I feel the usual depression surrounding the fact.
Stayed in bed until after 11 for no reason at all. Feeling guilty at the fact that someone has shoved the Parish Newsletter through the letterbox while I've been wallowing in my pit and made the dogs bark - well, they do that anyway whatever comes through the door.
Phone 1572 tells me that ex-husband and father of sprog has phoned this morning. Doubly depressed now.
Who on Earth would want to be middle-aged, a single Mum, totally devoid of inspiration regarding job, lunch etc. in England when it's snowing?


Post 2

Insomniac Truth Seeker

It's 1571 for those who hit the right buttons

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