This is a Journal entry by OwlofDoom

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 21


Thanks Rho! smiley - bubblysmiley - boing

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 22

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

Yeah thanks Rho! It would have been nice if my parents and my closest friends from Cyprus could be there to see me get married, but never mind as they will see me get married in church and that's the most important ceremony for ussmiley - smiley

Has anyone been to Cyprus or know about it?

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 23


My brother went there on honeymoon. It was very nice apart from the hijacking incident. smiley - yikes

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 24

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

a hijacking incident you say? are you sure it was in Cyprus? what happened exactly?

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 25


I'm fairly certain it was Cyprus. Note that I wasn't there myself. smiley - winkeye

I think the hijackers forced a plane to land there - though I suppose they might have occupied one already on the ground. smiley - erm Anyhow the airport was cordonned off. They held all the holiday-makers back (either at the hotel or some other bit of the airport). There was some concern about schedules and stuff but not much danger to anyone other than those already on the plane. I think it was resolved without anyone being killed but my memory is much more hazy on that level of detail.

What I remember most is that without seeing/hearing anything about it I had "a bad feeling" (StarWars style) that something wasn't quite right with my brother but that it wasn't life-threatening. NB There seems to be a bit of telepathy in my family but it could always just be coincidence despite happening a lot. smiley - weird

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 26

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

I remember now hearing about the hijacking of a plane in Cyprus while I was in England. But that is creepy knowing that something was up even though you hadn't heard anything about the hijacking yet. Sometimes they say that when you have either a twin brother or sister, you can usually feel when there is sth up or feel what the other person is feeling. I don't know if that's true in your case. hmmm I bet your brother must have been scared to fly over there again

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 27



Any "bad feelings" about me tonight? I just got mugged outside my own home... smiley - sadface Don't worry though... they only got my wallet, and I'm not hurt. There's also a CCTV camera pointed straight at where it happened, so the outlook is positive.

Time to cook dinner, anyway!

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 28

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

Thank god though that they didn't hurt you! I'm here to cheer you up anywaysmiley - smiley Sometimes the thought of living here scares me.I also had a friend of mine who got mugged and it happened right in front of me as we were walking home together. Normally in Cyprus, very few people get mugged, and we are not used to experiencing it.

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 29


(Sorry about the terribly slow reply. smiley - blush)

I'm sorry that your parents and some of your friends weren't there, Nitina, but, like you said, at least they'll be there for the most important part. smiley - smiley I'm afraid that I haven't been to Cyprus, although it would be a very nice place to visit. smiley - biggrin

smiley - yikes You got mugged, Owl? That's terrible! smiley - sadface I'm glad you're alright...


"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 30


It's OK. The two responsible were complete idiots. They tried to unlock the door with my slimline radio, and then gave it back to me when I asked for it. smiley - biggrin They didn't take my keys or wedding ring, which would be much harder to replace than the odd tenner and my bank cards in my wallet.

At the end of the day, I live in a big city, and it happens to lots of people. I know at least three people who've been mugged, so I suppose it had to happen to me sometime. Anyway, my dinner will make me feel better and I have a lovely smiley - stout here next to me, and Nitina's company and support.

~ smiley - towel

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 31

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

Cyprus is really a great place to visit if you like hot and sunny weather, nice sandy beaches and greek food! We get loads of British tourists and scandinavians during the summer. They say they love the sea and people in Cyprus are generally very hospitable and friendly. If you happen to go visit someone's home in Cyprus, they will usually make you eat till you burstsmiley - smiley

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 32


That's unbelievable! At least you didn't lose your radio. smiley - laugh

I'm glad it wasn't too serious, although, of course, it would have been better if it hadn't happened at all.


"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 33


They were house-burglars... idiotic ones too, as they didn't notice the security camera etc but they weren't very skilled in the art of robbery.

If there was one of them, I reckon I'd have been OK, as the minimum amount of resistance I applied seemed very unsettling to them. A quick knee-in-the-balls and I'd be in control. Trouble was that there were two, and retaliation is possible if there are two. When they ran off with my wallet they were running so slowly too... it's certainly something reasonably new to them, the poor fsmiley - bleepks ...

I do want to know where my building's security guard was at the time, though...

~ smiley - towel

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 34

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

That's what I was concerned about when you came home. I was just wondering where was that security guard! There is supposed to be one watching the door 24 hrs a day. A lot of times when I go downstairs, he is not even there.

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 35


Yes, horrible but good it wasn't worse. smiley - erm

I don't think I know you well enough to tune in to you Owl (even assuming you believe in such things). I was thinking about you today a bit but not like that. If there's a connection, it's not a nice one so I'll hope it isn't true. Otherwise it's more like "The Forbidden Planet" than "Star Wars". smiley - erm

Digressing wildly, the stage show for that was rather good. I went with a friend quite a long time ago. Although it was a bit loud for me, all the "do not reverse polarity" stuff was funny. smiley - biggrin I don't go out much.

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 36



"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 37


I haven't seen "Forbidden Planet" so I don't really know what you're on about. Sorry. And no, I don't believe in ESP and psychic powers and stuff, but it'd be nice if they existed... smiley - biggrin

~ smiley - towel

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 38

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

Sef, is that a male or female name? sorry but I can't tell,and I am just curious about names that's all. I usually like to know a bit about the other person, whether they are male or female etc.

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 39


SEF is a set of initials. It's the closest I could get to having a nickname while not breaking my own strict moral/ethical code about lying. It was also in the hope of preventing some of the human male-female stuff. I'm an it (according to various tests and in the only way which matters).

"You're my wife now!" or, How OwlofDoom and Nitina got married

Post 40

Nitina the Pig (see my new personal space!)

well I suppose possesing powers would make you special in that sense. Are you saying that you are not from this planet?

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