This is a Journal entry by Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 1

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

There's no 24 on tonight because of the crappy Golf Masters smiley - steam I wouldn't mind so much if it was anything else, but golf has got to be one of the worst sports to watch live...

So I'm quite annoyed smiley - cross

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, thank goodness for that, I thought I was the only one who hated golf. smiley - cross "Oh, I know, I'll try and hit this tiny ball into a tiny hole half a mile away!" smiley - doh

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 3

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

I can just about understand someone playing golf...but watching it is something I'll never understand. And certainly NOT worth delaying 24 for smiley - cross

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Golf is a good walk, spoiled. smiley - cross

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 5

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Well I personally would rather go for a walk than play fact I think I would rather do lots of things than play golf...smiley - erm

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

My dad plays golf, and watches it at any given opportunity, so naturally I've grown up hating it. smiley - steam

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 7

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

My ex used to play golf and make me watch naturally I hate it smiley - laugh

Actually I hated it before I met him smiley - biggrin

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

And you still went out with him? smiley - doh

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 9

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

I is blind. smiley - biggrin

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 10

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Yes, but that's masochistic. smiley - biggrin

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 11

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Oh yeah, that's what I is blind and masochistic smiley - biggrin

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 12

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah yes... it's a well-known saying. smiley - huh

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 13


A metaller into golf? Having a laugh aint you? Sad boy. Rugby's the sport for metallers, if they're into one at all. Mosh pits are good practise for the violence of the rugbyfield.

Or is it the other way around?

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 14

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Alice Cooper plays golf... smiley - erm Not quite sure what that proves.

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 15


Alice Cooper's a big willy woofter!!!

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 16

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Ahhh, but he was also a nice middle class boy with rich parents type of metaller *prepares for Bob to go into orbit* I could never get him to watch rugby with me...which was most upsetting and the cause of many an argument along the lines of...ME "Come to the pub and watch the 6 Nations with me." HIM "No." ME "But I watch all your crappy golf." HIM "Well that's your decision, you don't have to watch, just cos I'm hogging the TV, you could always do something else, like my washing, and by the way get me another beer* (well I made the last bit up smiley - winkeye but you get the gist anyway) The argument would then run in for a while culminating in me storming out the house to go to the pub to meet some other friends, all of whom I was sadly unattracted to smiley - steam

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 17


Tell you what Napnod, sent him my way and we'll teach him some metal down here in Bristol... smiley - laugh

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 18

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

*ponders as to whether "teaching someone some metal" might be a euphemism for something more violent smiley - laugh*

To be fair to him, he wasn't a weekend metaller, he just happened to live in a posh area with lots of money, which wasn't really his fault.

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 19

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*smiley - runs to start an h2g2 Quote Of The Week feature with post 15*

Rubbishy Golf!!!

Post 20

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

smiley - laugh

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Rubbishy Golf!!!

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