This is a Journal entry by AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Caribou Tourny

Post 1

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Not a very big deal but it is important because I played. I know I said I was quitting but I was in a particularly good mood and so we played. Matt and Brandon Raper were there. There where a few high lights. Matt bluffed me out of a semi-large pot that was a very nice bet. I went all in with 9T and got called by 88. I turned a 9 but Brandon rivered an 8. Those rivers always seem to get me. Of course such things don't upset me, I was of course disappointed that it happened but I have nothing to be angry about, 88 is a very playable hand. Pitts also played even though he also quit. Brandon ended up taking the tourney down, and he played fairly well. Better then many. Nice work.

Caribou Tourny

Post 2


Thanks for the props Alex...does anyone say "props" anymore? It was a good time, lemme know when you're playing some more.

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