This is a Journal entry by AlexK the Twelve of Motion


Post 1

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Me and Pitts got together at Caribou before our Shakespeare final. We decide to unwind and play a little Pineapple tournament. It was a lot of fun. Pineapple is a game where you get 3-cards preflop instead of 2 like hold ‘em. Then there is a flop like normal, and then a turn. However after the turn you throw away one of your 3 cards and then the game is hold ‘em again. Of course this is all speculation, we really have no idea how to play pineapple at all. If you do, please post. But only if you are sure it’s correct.

After we got done Dave Born joined us and we plays a little Hold ‘em. I was kicking ass all over the place and Pitts was making one amazing read after the other. Not so much against me, although he got a few good reads on me as well, but Dave. Pitts folded AA to Dave twice! He knew Dave had 2 pair, or the strait, or a set, he always knew! Pitts get mega player points even though he lost some money. We didn’t play for long, but check out these beats.

Megabeat 1

Alex: [QQ]
Pitts: [KK] All-in says Pitts. It was not all that much so I called.
Flop: [Q4T] Pitts goes “Everytime!”
Turn: [4]
River: [K] Pitts takes it down with KKK44 beat for me.

Megabeat 2

Pitts: [AK]
Dave: [AA]
Flop: [AK8] Dave goes all-in and of course Pitts calls. Nothing special here, Dave takes it down. But look at that beat! Flopping aces and kings! He never saw the nuts coming…


Post 2


Hey Al, you wanna know how to play Crazy Pineapple? You've gotta learn from the Phil Hellmuth! This is from (where he does all his online playing, i guess...)

There are only two significant differences in pineapple hold'em, but they do change the game a lot.


In regular hold'em, you start with two hole cards. In pineapple, you start with three, creating many more possible good starting hands, and many more hands that can fit together with the flop.

Just as in regular hold'em, there is a betting round at a lower limit after you receive your initial hole cards, and another betting round at that same limit after you see the flop. However, a very important change happens here, one that makes it more difficult to "have your cake and eat it too," that is, to attempt to draw to both straights AND flushes, or to hang onto a pair while you're trying to make a straight. AFTER betting on the flop is completed, you must discard one of your hole cards, and you can't ever get it back.

Looks like you were right...i should know not to doubt your knowledge of various games, i guess...see ya at the tables sometime.



Post 3

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

So do you discard after betting on the flop? Or do you discard after the betting on the turn?


Post 4


After betting on the flop...right before the turn, i think


Post 5


Yea you are right. I play it at paradisepoker for fun. After all the action of the flop is over you muck one card.

Sign up for my tourney.


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