This is a Journal entry by AlexK the Twelve of Motion

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 1

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

This night almost looked like it was going to be a bust. I was at Pitt’s house early. We just hung out and watched Top Gun. We called everyone we knew, but everyone was busy. We where very let down. To cheer ourselves up we went on a beverage run. It was fun and we came back happy.

To pass the time we decide to play some heads up no limit. I made Pitts look like a crippled man in the UFC octagon. I tore him apart. I took all of his money, called all of his bluffs and bluffed him out of all his made hands. I made a real fetus out of him. In response to this, he cried “heater, heater!!!” Yeah yeah, I was up $15 on him. Then he began to “heat up” and took one back. Then we finally got a player. Daveborn showed up. We play a little $5 tourny. I got AA and got all my chips in on the flop. Dave called with KJ with top pair kings. He turned two pair. A while later Pitts had the AA and Dave beat it with 93; I don’t remember specifics.

King and Reebok show up and we actually have a game going! $20 buy in no-limit hold ‘em. On the very first hand King moved all-in $20 with JJ. Reebok called him with KK. Please re-buy and try again. A few hands later Reebok took Dave all-in and beat him. Reebok had about $60 in chips within half an hour. A good start. Everything wasn’t that good for Reebok though, he suffered this heinous beat.

Dave [K6]
Reebok [A9]
Flop: [KA6] Dave moves all-in and Reebok calls. Reebok is unhappy when he sees what he has done.
Turn: [9] Reebok is very happy now and Dave is very upset.
River: [K] We are all stunned at how awful this beat is. What an exciting hand!

In the mean time while all this is going on, Pitts and myself are hanging around playing well. King is suffering beat after beat. We all felt bad for King, it seemed like God was against him. AA lost to 77. Luckly I showed my AA to Reebok pre-flop so he wouldn’t call and beat me. We rabbit hunted to see if the 7 would come for him. It would have, it’s a bad night for AA. Later King got a little back. He made a nut flush while Dave made a lesser flush and King raked a $70+ pot. Then Pitts and me got involved in a hand.

Me: [JT]
Pitts: [Qd2d]
There was some action pre-flop. I am pretty sure it was $5 to go, and 4 of us called.
Flop: [8d9d4s] This is where the action is, I had an open-ended strait draw. I didn’t want to let this pot go, so I bet $3 into it. Pitts who had a flush draw raised me $3 more. I thought for a while about what I am going to do. I put Pitts on something like A9 or A8. Since it was $5 to go pre-flop I didn’t put him on anything like 84 or 94. 89s would be a possibility and so would 88, 99, and 44. But I don’t know what he has if I only call. I decided I need to re-raise and see what’s going on. I shot back another $5 and Pitts only called. Now I was pretty sure he didn’t have a set, or two pair so I might be able to win this pot after all.
Turn: [8] This was a great card for me. It was a card I could represent. I was first and I bet out $7.50 into it. Pitts thought for a while, and then mucked his cards. I took down a very large pot. Pitts was unhappy with my play at first. But after he sobered up from the pain of losing a large pot he agreed with me that it was a play that deserved player points. Shortly after this the no-limit game ended with me winning $80. Reebok actually won with AA once. How did he do that? The pot was all $20 bills so we had some serious money trouble. We ended up racing for the last $5. I won the race, so I got a free buy-in to the next game.

We played a No-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Split tourney and I don’t have much recorded on it. I know I came out to an early lead and then got put out.

After that the fellas decided to play a No-Limit 7-Stud tourney. I said I would rather eat. I went to the kitchen and played with Pitt’s dog. When I came back I saw this written in my notebook “7-Stud tourney: King plays every hand for an hour and doesn’t lose once.” Thank you Pitts for covering the event while I was gone.

I decided that I won enough money tonight and I went home. The boys are still playing as I type. I wish them all luck.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 2


Rybaks all-in call against Dave was a bad one. Dave could easily be playing AK, which is murdering mike, not to mention dave could just as easily be playing AQ, AJ, AT, KK, 66, or even A6s and being that he is Dave Born, he could also play K6. Mike should have let this hand go. Calling all-in with top pair poor kicker deserves a bad play point.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 3

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

the all-in wasn't that much money, reebacks call was all right. But yeah I agree with you, Dave could easily have him beat. But the price was right. It's not a play that deserves a bad play.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 4


well then it really isn't a beat worth writing. If my AA lose to KK and it cost me $1 I don't give a shit. I'd say "poker happens" and I'd also probably say "why the f**k was I playing rock?". I've seen countless good hands lose that cost players lots of money. If we were playing poker for grains of salt and I lost that hand, hey, f**k it, who gives a shit about a few grains of salt. My point is that the cards can play themselves, you gotta play the person, it's not about pride, it's only about money. Think if Mike McDermott lost that begining hand to KGB but instead of losing $84,000, he only lost $84, he wouldn't have got the f*****g freight train through the gut, he would have rebought and played some more. I don't mean to blow this out of proportion, I just want to make my point and prove I'm right and provide some entertainment for the profile.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 5

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

The hand is worth writing because it's a roller coaster ride of a hand! On the flop reebock only had 5 outs, and he got one. Then Dave only had 4 outs and he got one. It was exciting.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 6

Adam Malone

Krasny, I don't mean to keep pointing out your spelling mistakes, but in this post alone you've spelt Mike's name Reebok, Reebock, Reeback. And they're all incorrect. Ryback, is it? THAtz oUr KrAZY KraZnYY!

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 7


Nobody spells anybodies name right
Pitts calls me 'Cory'
I call Pitts, 'Pitz' now
I used to call Alex 'krazny'
Krasny calls Rybak everything but Rybak
It's something we all accept, quit infringing on the uniqueness of the profile with your little spelling corrections. The quite-quit one was pretty bad though.

No-Limit at Pitts'

Post 8

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Yeah I am sorry I always at that stupid e at the end. Otherwise I will call Reebock whatever the f**k I want to call him. So back off jagoff.

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