This is a Journal entry by AlexK the Twelve of Motion

AlexK vs. Daveborn

Post 1

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Boy oh boy did we have some action. Once again Dave somehow convinced me to come to Caribou and play cards with him. The day started fine and we where having a good game. Until Krasny got beat. I flopped a set of nines and Dave went all in with an open-ended strait flush draw. No bad play or anything, I mean when you have 3458 outs what can you do but go all-in? It’s still a beat though. Then Dave beat me again, this time with a bad play that I don’t recall. Then he beat me again! I was pissed. Too pissed. I challenged Dave to a $30 tounry and he pussed out. So I said fine lets play 1-2. He said okay lets play!

(Why would I want to play Dave in 1-2 you ask? Allow me to explain. Limit poker is a much more technical and automatic game. Luck is much less of a factor in limit then it no limit. For example if Dave calls a preflop raise with [24s] and flops four to the flush, he can bet all-in, get lucky, and break me. However in limit even if he gets lucky he can only take 4 bets from me. Not to mention that usually it wont come and he will simply lose. Playing bad cards in limit is a suicidal thing to do. In no limit getting lucky once is enough to win. In limit getting lucky once is fleeting victory.)

Dave bought in $20 and I bought in $10. I took Dave’s $20 in about 15 min. Then Pitts came in. He was talking about how much he hates cards but wants to play. We told him to sit down and get some money going. He said no. He said he will watch an commentate. Dave re-loaded $20. After Pitts saw the first hand he said “Ok deal me in.” He bought in for $20 and we had a 3-handed 1-2 game going. I won another $20 and cashed out, then Pitts and Dave dueled for a little while. Pitts broke even. A good night for Alex K.

AlexK vs. Daveborn

Post 2

Omaha Princess


You dont here much about guys who take their shot and miss. But I'll tell you what happends to them, they end up humping crappy jobs(picking up shit at an Apt. complex) on graveyard shifts(8am-6pm)trying to figure out how they came up short. See, I had this picture in my head, me sitting at the big table, Alex Krasny to my left, Adam Malone to my right playing at the World Series of Poker. Now the closest I get to Canterbury is West St. Paul, riding with Alex to our "crappy job." I tell ya, its not easy leaving that game. The truth is I can find games anywhere, Cory's house, Canterbury, ect. But Iam retired now. (For 9 Months which equats to 2 weeks)

AlexK vs. Daveborn

Post 3

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

The caribou game, a rotating group of students, workers, deadbeats and musicians...

AlexK vs. Daveborn

Post 4


Chris Pitts. Chris Pitts. Chris Pitts. It is easy. Look, I spelled his name correctly. Please do me the same courtesy. Corey O'Brien. I don't call you pitz so please don't call me cory. (other acceptable names include Koskie and Kosker)

AlexK vs. Daveborn

Post 5

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Yeah, WTF do you call him Corey anyway? We call him Koskie.

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