This is a Journal entry by AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 1

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

GOP4ever1: alex!
Alex Wins: hey pitts
GOP4ever1: Ive decided
GOP4ever1: I have to quit cards, but for good
Alex Wins: ?!?!!?
Alex Wins: what!?
Alex Wins: what a silly thing to say
GOP4ever1: I mean I know I say it all the time, but the sick thing is, Ive convinced myself
Alex Wins: stop it
Alex Wins: stop talking crazy
GOP4ever1: I cant
Alex Wins: you take a nap
GOP4ever1: I know
Alex Wins: wake up tomorrow
GOP4ever1: Here is the thing, this last week I ate out and bought new was a nice feeling, but now I have no money becuse of poker....I am quitting, and going to start having a "savings account", and a "balanced check book" I mean i know you and I arent familiar with these terms, but iam going to start getting familiar
Alex Wins: Well
Alex Wins: here is what I think
Alex Wins: I think all you need is a bankroll, which we will soon get becouse we have fulltime jobs, second off there is no way you can quite
Alex Wins: becouse this is all we do and it's all we talk about
Alex Wins: to quite is stop go into a cave and never come out
Alex Wins: we are going to start a poker webiste together
Alex Wins: so f**k you, you are staying
Alex Wins: I am sure you will forget all about it overnight anyway
GOP4ever1: Lol, hey, Ill still give advice, and talk poker, but for the next two weeks i cant play, seriously, for atleast two weeks i quite
Alex Wins: ok well a week is a good break
Alex Wins: but no longer
GOP4ever1: 2 weekks
GOP4ever1: so i can get payed from both jobs
Alex Wins: no
Alex Wins: 1 week
Alex Wins: thats all I will give you
GOP4ever1: 2
GOP4ever1: thats all i give into
Alex Wins: sorry no can do
GOP4ever1: lol
GOP4ever1: we shall see
Alex Wins: I will convince you to play after 1
GOP4ever1: today is thursday
GOP4ever1: gl
Alex Wins: what about wednsday WPT night!?
GOP4ever1: sorry
GOP4ever1: quitting is quitting
GOP4ever1: ill come watch
GOP4ever1: but no play
Alex Wins: beat
Alex Wins: I don't even know you anymore
Alex Wins: how about you sleep on it and talk to me tomorrow?
GOP4ever1: lol did i mention i had a sex change]
Alex Wins: hahaha
Alex Wins: you know what will cheer you up?
GOP4ever1: ummm aaakk
Alex Wins: Aside from rolled up aces over kings
GOP4ever1: oh what
Alex Wins: Getting a queen of hearts tattoo on your back
GOP4ever1: lol yea
GOP4ever1: lol from now on, if i say aaakk
Alex Wins: ok you go to bed, and I will pretend this conversation never happend
GOP4ever1: never mind i lost where i was going with that one
GOP4ever1: well my decision has been made
Alex Wins: yeah yeah

Haha her better not, the prick!

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 2

Omaha Princess

----------BREAKING NEWS-----------
Pittsey, the master of reads/Omaha princess has quit cards for two weeks. If you see this creature digging through dumpsters looking for cards please stop him, he has a problem. Please do not feed this creature anything poker related, including round objects. That is all...

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 3

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Get a name already prick!

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 4

Omaha Princess

I got a new name...

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 5

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Finally, you pussy ass quitter.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 6


If you quit Pitts, I can't play retarded tilt poker anymore, it wont be the same without you. Who will convince me to play 57 anymore, surely not Krasny. I love you and I will never forget you Chris. May your queens live on in your memory.

P.S. Would you play if we had an Omaha tournament?

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 7

Adam Malone

Okay Pitts seriously, quitting for 2 weeks when I have 1.2 weeks left of school, NOT COOL. What the hell am I supposed to do for the half-week when you aren't playing. You'd better be back off the wagon by Thursday May 15.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 8


Come on, everybody's quit cards before..even the great AK. And hey, if he does go away for two weeks, he'll just be able to come back with a bigger roll! Oh well, that's my two cents, just figured I'd drop in...oh yeah, starting May 9th, I'm back from school (SCSU with tilsen), and lookin' forward to getting back to the tables...

-B.'s been a while...

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 9

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Hey nice to see another guy join the page.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 10


I agree pitts, you gotta stay, I know I don't play that much, but when I do, I have high high respect for you. I see no reason for you to quit either, you seem to be a regular winner of money, and except for This Canturbury action, you seem great at tournaments. maybe you should just quit canturbury but continue the nice 5 dollar friendly tournaments.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 11

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Yeah he is right, why are you quitting anyway? All you need is a $40 bankroll, it will last you plenty of tournies and thats only if you lose all of them.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 12

Adam Malone

Alex Wins: I think all you need is a bankroll, which we will soon get becouse we have fulltime jobs, second off there is no way you can quite (1)

Alex Wins: to quite (2) is stop go into a cave and never come out

GOP4ever1: Lol, hey, Ill still give advice, and talk poker, but for the next two weeks i cant play, seriously, for atleast two weeks i quite (3)

Quit is one word I've never mis-spelled. 3 times + in the title? Unacceptable.

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 13

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Yeah I don't know what it is with that word...

Pitts Quites Cards!?

Post 14

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

Well Pitts has played cards everyday since the day he quit. Ha, good job Pitts.

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